JST : Computer Science and Technology Promotion Program (2000-2003)
The Development of Space Simulation, Net-Laboratory System

Japanese version is here.

The research and development plan and content of the standard MHD code and
the three-dimensional visualization tool
Tatuki Ogino ( Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University )

I. Research and Development Objectives

(1) Research and development objectives of the three year plan in 2000-2003 are:
    * To open standard MHD code and to use network;
    * To integrate the visualization tool according to the VRML(netVR, Web3D);
    * To prepare contents by the global MHD simulation of the earth's magnetosphere;
    * To prepare intelligent database and educational material about MHD simulation.

(2) Research and development content in the 2000 fiscal year are:
    * To develop and offer one standard MHD code;
    * To develop and standardize the visualization tool according to the VRML;
    * To use promotion passed with the network;
    * To study the magnetic reconnection in the earth's magnetosphere;
    * To simulate the earth's magnetosphere by using observation data as input.

(3) Research and development situation in the 2001 fiscal year are:
    * To develop and offer standard MHD code;
      By giving description, one complete MHD code is offered in Web.
    * To develop and standardize and offer of the visualization tool according to the VRML;
      The manual of the 0th edition of "How to Use VRML" is made.
    * To present the procedure of application, examples and contents to the three-dimensional
      global MHD simulation of interaction between the solar wind and the earth's magnetosphere.
    * To establish the methods to request simulation runs and to obtain graphic results
      through Web home page. 

(4) Research and development situation in the 2002 fiscal year are:
    * To successively develop, standardize and offer standard MHD codes and visualization tool.
    * To disclose the developed MHD codes, visualization tool and database of simulation in Web. 
    * To summarize the JST program

II. Summary of the research and development of the program: 

    * Several 3-dimensional standard MHD codes were disclosed through Web;
      By giving description, several complete MHD code are offered in Web.    
    * A visualization tool according to the VRML has been developed and standardized to offer; 
      The manual and CD-ROM of the first edition of "How to Use VRML" have been made.
    * Examples and contents to the three-dimensional global MHD simulation of interaction 
      between the solar wind and the earth's magnetosphere are disclosed in Web. 
    * The methods to request simulation runs of 3-dimensional MHD code and to obtain graphic 
      results through Web home page have been established.
      Homepage of MHD/Fluid Research Group in Computer Science and Technology Promotion Program
      Homepage of Database Site of the Global Magnetosphere

III. Summary of Special Matters

(1) 3-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) code of interaction between the solar wind 
    and the earth's magnetosphere and graphic programs
      Homepage of Examples of 3D MHD Code and Graphic Programs
(2) Development of a visualization tool by using VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) 
   and disclosure and production of CD-ROM of the manual "How to use VRML" by Fortran program 
     Homepage of How to Use VRML (English)

(3) The methods to request simulation runs of 3-dimensional MHD code and to obtain graphic 
    results through Web home page (INTERNET) 
      Homepage of Space Plasma Simulator
      Homepage of MHD Simulation
(4) Simulation summer school of astro/space plasma was held in Nagoya University for
    September 9-13, 2002.
      Homepage of the simulation summer school
      Text of the simulation summer school (ODF file)

Standard MHD code and three-dimensional visualization tool
mhdmodel       :The three-dimensional and global MHD simulation code of the earth's magnetosphere
  eartha       :3D MHD model with 1/2 volume (IMF By and Bz)
  earthb       :3D MHD model with 1/4 volume (IMF Bz only)
  earthc       :3D MHD model with 1/2 volume (dipole tilt)
  mhd3a        :MHD test programs (processing capability)

vrml             :The Fortran for the three-dimensional visualization according to the VRML Program
  vrmanual.doc   :How to Use VRML (WORD)(Japanese)
  e_vrmanual.doc :How to Use VRML (WORD)
  vrmanual.pdf   :How to Use VRML (PDF)(Japanese)
  e_vrmanual.pdf :How to Use VRML (PDF)
  vrhtml         :The Fortran  Program and example (HTML)(Japanese)
  e_vrhtml       :The Fortran  Program and example (HTML)
  vrml1          :The fundamental Fortran  Program
  vrml2          :The fundamental Fortran  Program and application

postscript     :Image processing Program according to the PostScript language
  postsc1      :examples of test PostScript program
  postsc2      :color code example of PostScript program

mhdmodel2     :Visualization to Various 3-dimensional MHD Models of Earth's Magnetosphere
  eartha      :Half volume model of earth's magnetosphere with IMF By and Bz components
  earthb      :Quarter volume model of earth's magnetosphere
  earthbq     :Quarter volume model of earth's magnetosphere (a quarter display)
  earthc      :Half volume model of earth's magnetosphere with dipole tilt
  earthd      :Whole volume model of earth's magnetosphere

Related topics
hpfja          :The three-dimensional and global MHD code of the magnetosphere by HPF/JA
  heartha      :The MHD code by HPF/JA ( boundary condition, etc. )
  hearthb      :The MHD code by HPF/JA ( complete code )
  hwave        :Simulation code of the wave equation by HPF/JA

vppfort        :The three-dimensional and global MHD code of the earth's magnetosphere according to
the VPP Fortran
  pwave        :Simulation code of the wave equation according to the VPP Fortran
  vearthb      :The MHD code according to the VPP Fortran ( boundary condition, etc. )

engineer       :Computer practical training of electronic circuit theory and simulation engineering
  kairo        :The electronic circuit theory ( lumped constant electronic circuit )
  kairo2       :The electronic circuit theory ( distributed constant electronic circuit )
  simu         :Computer practical training of the simulation engineering (wave equation)
  simu2        :Computer practical training of the simulation engineering (K-dV equation)