Numerical Simulation and Graphic Program

Fortran Program

1-dimensional simulation codes of wave equation, shock wave and nonlinear equations and graphic program, which works in the vector-type supercomputers and workstations.

1. 1D simulation codes

  1. wave and shock 1-dimensional simulation of wave equation and shock wave by MHD equation
  2. Burgers, K-dV and modified K-dV Equations 1-dimensional Burgers, Korteweg-de Vries and modified Korteweg-de Vries Equations
  3. Diffusion, Burgers and K-dV Equations 1-dimensional Diffusion, Burgers, and Korteweg-de Vries Equations
  4. Nonlinear Schrodinger and Derivative Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations 1-dimensional Nonlinear Schrodinger and Derivative Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations
  5. MPI Fortran program MPI Fortran codes for 3-dimensional wave equation
  6. nonlinear Nonlinear equation of Lorenz, Rossler and Chua equations

2. VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) and PostScript Fortran programs

  1. vrml 3-dimensional visualization Fortran program by using VRML
  2. vrml nonlinear 3-dimensional visualization of nonlinear equations by using VRML
  3. PostScript Fortran test program to make PostScript graphic files
  4. PostScript2 Fortran test program to make PostScript graphic files with subroutine

Simulation Home Page.

GEDAS Home Page
STELab Home Page.