Transient Phenomena of Electric Circuits

Fortran Program

Practice of the transient phenomena of electric circuits for LCR serial circuits and LCR parallel electric circuits, and distributed-parameter circuits with open or short end boundary condition.
How to execute the Fortran programs is explained in the file of readme.txt of each directory.

1. Simulation programs of the transient phenomena of electric circuits

  1. electric circuits transient phenomena of electric circuits for LCR serial circuits and LCR parallel electric circuits
  2. electric circuits with distributed-parameter transient phenomena of distributed-parameter circuits

2. VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) and PostScript Fortran programs

  1. vrml 3-dimensional visualization Fortran program by using VRML
  2. vrml nonlinear 3-dimensional visualization of nonlinear equations by using VRML
  3. PostScript Fortran test program to make PostScript graphic files
  4. PostScript2 Fortran test program to make PostScript graphic files with subroutine

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