Movies of conjugate aurora observed at Syowa-Iceland conjugate-pair stations on 30 September 2000

Organization for the project of Syowa-Iceland conjugate-pair auroral observation:
1) National Institute of Polar Research (PI: Prof. Natsuo Sato)
2) Science Institute, University of Iceland (PI: Prof. Thorsteinn Saemundsson)

Station names and coordinates:
1) Syowa Station (in Antarctica)
Geographic Coordinates: 69°00'22" S, 39°35'24"E
Geomagnetic Coordinates: Inv. Lat. 66.30 S, M. Long. 71.70

2) Raufarhofn (in Iceland)
Geographic Coordinates: 66°24'80" N, 15°55'85"W
Geomagnetic Coordinates: Inv. Lat. 66.57 N, M. Long. 72.81

High sensitive all-sky TV cameras recorded by NTSC video recorders (original data are recorded by 30 frames/sec)

Magnetic directions on camera field of views:
Left and right side pictures show the movies observed at Raufarhofn and Syowa, respectively. On each movie, the directions of up, down, right, and left directions correspond to the magnetic poleward, equatorward, westward, and eastward, respectively.

Data period:
Start time: 2025 UT on 30 September 2000
Stop time: 2350 UT on 30 September 2000

Scientifically interesting intervals on the conjugate auroral movies:
2011-2035 UT: Conjugate westward traveling surge (WTS). The bright region on the westward horizon on the movies of Iceland corresponds to the brightness of sunset.

2050-2105 UT: High auroral activity was observed only in Iceland field of view.

2152-2225 UT: Isolated auroral activity was observed only in Syowa field of view.

2219-2225 UT: Auroral activity was observed only in Iceland field of view.

2241-2307 UT: Conjugate auroral breakup (substorm)

2207-2330 UT: Conjugate pulsating aurora and omega-band signature.

aurora1(mpeg-1): MPEG-1 file 72.9 MB
aurora2(mpeg-2_1): MPEG-2 file (480 x 480 pixels) 145 MB
aurora3(mpeg-2_2): MPEG-2 file (720 x 480 pixels) 180 MB
aurora4(ConjugateAurora.avi): AVI file 57.9MB