What's S-RAMP?

STEP-Results, Applications, and Modeling Phase (S-RAMP)

S-RAMP was proposed to the Bureau and approved in the SCOSTEP General Meeting in June 1994. Factors essential to the proposed program were:

* A spectacular data base has been and will continue to be collected over the STEP interval 1990-1997. However, most researchers' efforts to date have been devoted to collecting data and very little to analysis.

* STEP was designed to promote interaction between the various discipline areas within the SCOSTEP community (i,e., solar, heliosphere, magnetosphere, ionosphere, thermosphere, middle atmosphere, and regions adjacent to the Earth's surface). Unfortunately, because of the extraordinary effort scientists have had to make in times of declining resources, most of the research activity has been confined to these disciplines. Very little time has been spent on interdisciplinary activity in the spirit of the STEP concept.

* No infrastructure has been put into place to support the international solar-terrestrial community in their data analysis efforts or in procuring resources to carry out such data analysis.

* No specific organization has taken on the mandate to bring closer together in terms of scientific activity those who collect data on the solar-terrestrial environment and those who develop and implement high performance computer models of that environment.


SCOSTEP was invited to develop a 5-year data analysis and modeling interval over the period 1998-2002 to facilitate optimizing the study and analysis of the data acquired during the STEP period 1990-1997. The major objectives are:

1. To facilitate and enable the detailed study and understanding of coupling mechanisms between regions of the Sun-Earth system;

2. To facilitate and enable effective data and information transfer and feedback between the experimental, theoretical, and computer modeling communities; and

3. To demonstrate products and benefits of the STEP endeavor to, for example, funding agencies, the media, and the public at large as the basis for future scientific programs, cross-discipline studies, and applications.


D.N. Baker, USA, Chair
S. Basu, USA
B.J. Fraser, Australia
E. Friis-Christensen, Denmark
Y. Kamide, Japan
A.H. Manson, Canada
H. Matsumoto, Japan
G. Ya. Smolkov, Russia

S-RAMP Steering Committee Meetings

July 13, 1996, London, U.K.
August 3, 1997, Uppsala, Sweden

S-RAMP Program Plan/Statement of Objectives

As a reminder, S-RAMP is a 5-year effort to optimize the analysis of data obtained during the STEP period, 1990-1997.

Major Objectives:
1. To facilitate and enable the detailed study and understanding of coupling mechanisms between regions of the Sun-Earth system;
2. To facilitate and enable effective date and information transfer and feedback between the experimental, theoretical, and computer modeling communities;
3. To demonstrate products and benefits of the STEP endeavor to, for example, funding agencies, the media, and the public at large as the basis for future scientific programs, cross-discipline studies, and application.

Project Plans for S-RAMP

Two activities were adopted as central to the S-RAMP program:

(1) Solar-Terrestrial Predictions (Space Weather)
(2) Long-term Studies and Databases

Global Solar-Terrestrial Observation and Modeling
Long-Term Database and Analysis
Databases (other) and Facilitating Roles
* Hardware
* Data distribution
* Communications

S-RAMP Steering Committee Membership

D. N. Baker (USA, Chair), S. Basu (USA), B. J. Fraser (Australia),
E. Friis-Christensen (Denmark), Y. Kamide (Japan), A. H. Manson (Canada),
H. Matsumoto (Japan), G. Ya. Smolkov (Russia)
Paul Newman (of NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center)

President: W. Arber
Secretary General: H. A. Mooney
Executive Director: J. F. Stuyck-Taillandier
ICSU Secretariat, icsu[AT]lmcp.jussieu.fr

Scientific Secretary: J. H. Allen, Program Assistant: C. M. Hanchett
c/o NOAA/NGDC, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80303
Telephone (1 303) 497-7284, Fax (1 303) 497-6513,
Email: jallen[AT]ngdc.noaa.gov
Publication Coordinator: Belva Edwards, bmedward[AT]staff.uiuc.edu

President: C.-H. Liu, T341426[AT]twncu865.ncu.edu.tw
Vice President: H. Oya, oya[AT]stppl.geophys.tohoku.ac.jp
Scientific Secretary: J. H. Allen, jallen[AT]ngdc.noaa.gov
Members: Yu. I. Galperin (COSPAR), ygalperin[AT]iki.rssi.ru
B. Schmieder (IAU), schmieder[AT]mesiob.obspm.fr
F. W. Sluijter (IUPAP), fws[AT]phys.tue.nl
R. A. Vincent (IAMAS), rvincent[AT]physics.adelaide.edu.au
A. W. Wernik (URSI), aww[AT]chopin.cbk.waw.pl
D. J. Williams (IAGA), djw[AT]aplcomm.jhuapl.edu

Chairman: D. N. Baker, baker[AT]orion.colorado.edu
Members: S. Basu, B. J. Fraser, E. Friis-Christensen, Y. Kamide, A. H. Mason,
H. Matsumoto, P. Newman, G. Ya. Smolkov, Ex Officio: S. Fukao, M. Hagan,
G. Shepherd

Co-Chairmen: S. T. Wu, wus[AT]cspar.uah.edu
V. N. Obridko, obridko[AT]lars.izmiran.troitsk.su
Members: P. K. Manoharan, B. Schmieder, M. A. Shea, S. Tuneta, T. Watanabe

Co-Chairmen: S. Fukao, fukao[AT]kurasc.kyoto-u.ac.jp
R. A. Vincent, rvincent[AT]physics.adelaide.edu.au
J. M. Forbers, forbers[AT]zeke.colorado.edu
Members: M. A. Abdu, L.Gray, A. Matthews, R. F. Woodman, H. Wiryosumarto

Co-Chairmen: G. Shepherd, gordon[AT]windii.yorku.ca
M. Hagan, hagan[AT]ucar.edu
Members: P. Dyson, Y. Portnyagin, H. Takahashi, T. Tsuda

S-RAMP CD-ROM Catalog List
S-RAMP database catalog on the WWW is maintained by Hizuru, Nishitani, Abe, Ohta and Ogino.

S-RAMP Database Catalog.

S-RAMP Home Page.