PPT Slide
Number Number of VPP Fortran HPF/JA
of PE grids cpu time Gflops Gf/PE cpu time Gflops Gf/PE
nz2=nz+2=672=2**5*3*7 56 PEs = 2**3*7 PEs
4PE 800x200x670 7.618 ( 30.06) 7.52 8.001 ( 28.62) 7.16 100%
8PE 800x200x670 3.794 ( 60.36) 7.54 3.962 ( 57.81) 7.23 101
12PE 800x200x670 2.806 ( 81.61) 6.80 3.005 ( 76.21) 6.35 89
16PE 800x200x670 1.924 (119.00) 7.44 2.012 (113.85) 7.12 99
24PE 800x200x670 1.308 (175.10) 7.30 1.360 (168.44) 7.02 98
32PE 800x200x670 0.979 (233.85) 7.31 1.032 (221.88) 6.93 97
48PE 800x200x670 0.682 (335.62) 6.99 0.721 (317.80) 6.62 92
56PE 800x200x670 0.595 (384.61) 6.87 0.628 (364.87) 6.52 91
16PE 1000x500x1118 9.668 (123.52) 7.72 9.619 (125.50) 7.84 100%
32PE 1000x500x1118 5.044 (236.73) 7.40 4.992 (241.83) 7.56 96
48PE 1000x500x1118 3.550 (336.40) 7.01 3.479 (346.97) 7.23 92
56PE 1000x500x1118 2.985 (400.04) 7.14 2.935 (411.36) 7.35 94
32PE 1000x1000x1118 9.979 (239.33) 7.48 9.813 (243.37) 7.61 97
48PE 1000x1000x1118 7.177 (332.79) 6.93 7.028 (339.85) 7.08 90
56PE 1000x1000x1118 5.817 (410.55) 7.33 5.794 (412.23) 7.36 94
: Gflops is an estimated value for comparison with a computation by
1 processor of a CRAY Y-MP C90