3-dimensional global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation codes of interaction between the solar wind and the earth's magnetosphere and graphic program, which works in the vector-type supercomputers and workstations.
1. 3D global MHD simulation codes
- eartha 3D MHD code of 1/2 earth's magnetosphere with IMF By and Bz components
- earthb 3D MHD code of 1/4 earth's magnetosphere with IMF Bz component
- earthc 3D MHD code of 1/2 earth's magnetosphere with IMF Bz component and dipole tilt
- mhd3a original 3D MHD code of 1/4 earth's magnetosphere with IMF Bz component run by CRAY-1
2. VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) and PostScript Fortran programs
- vrml 3-dimensional visualization Fortran program by using VRML
- PostScript Fortran test program to make PostScript graphic files
- PostScript2 Fortran test program to make PostScript graphic files with subroutine