MPI (Message Passing Interface)

Fortran Program Examples

MPI Fortran programs executed by Fujitsu VPP5000/64 in the Computer Center of Nagoya University

1. MPI (Message Passing Interface)

  1. mwave 2 and 3-dimensional simulation of wave equation by using the modified leap-frog method
  2. meartha 3-dimensional MHD simulation code of magnetosphere by using the modified leap-frog method (boundary condition part only)
  3. mearthb in MPI 3-dimensional MHD simulation code of magnetosphere by using the modified leap-frog method (complete 3D MHD code)
  4. mearthd in MPI 3-dimensional MHD simulation code of whole magnetosphere by using the modified leap-frog method (complete 3D MHD code)
  5. sample1 in preparation

2. Fujitsu VPP Fortran

  1. pwave 2 and 3-dimensional simulation of wave equation by using the modified leap-frog method
  2. vearthb in VPP Fortran 3-dimensional MHD simulation code of magnetosphere by using the modified leap-frog method (complete 3D MHD code)
  3. sample1 in preparation

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