you can connect the supercomputer by telnet as telnet or (telnet Fujitsu PRIMEPOWER HPC2500 23 nodes and 1536 cpu's Host name: IP address: 23 nodes 64 cpu/512 GB memory x 22 nodes 128 cpu/512 GB memory x 1 node Total performance: 12 Tflops Total memory: 11.5 TB Disc capacity: 50 TB Operation system: Solaris9 Job Class Queue No. cpu cpu time upper limit elapsed time (hours) of cpu time (hours) a8 8 10 10 2 p8 8 10 unlimited 20 p16 16 200 unlimited 100 p64 64 200 unlimited 200 p128 128 200 unlimited 336 p256 256 200 unlimited 336 p1024 1024 200 unlimited 336 TSS 128 2 unlimited - *) Cpu time is the sum of cpu time by all processors. Connection of server and file system ----- /home /large0 /large1 /large_tmp0 /large_tmp1 gpcs:/home/usrN/user-id --> /home/usrN/user-id vpp:/home/usrN/user-id --> /home/vpp/usrN/user-id vpp:/home/dpfs/usrN --> /large0/usrN/user-id /large1/usrN/user-id Command of compile Fortran: frt XPFortran: xpfrt (succession from VPP Fortran) C: fcc C++: FCC MPI Fortran mpifrt MPI C mpicc Options of compiler -Kfast_GP2=3 -Klargepage=2 :use largepage -KV9 :use SPARC V9 -X9 :Fortran95 an example of compile frt -Knolargepage -o prog_nlg prog.f Command of NQS (Network Queuing System) qsub qstat qdel qcat -------------------------------------------------- (A1) Compile and execution of MPI Fortran program use 8 processors 8 process parallel mpifrt -Lt progmpi.f -o progmpi08 -Kfast_GP2=3,V9,largepage=2 -Z mpilist qsub hpc% more # @$-q p8 -lP 8 -eo -o pexecmpi08.out # @$-me -lT 20:00:00 -lM 7gb cd ./vpp05a/mearthb3 mpiexec -n 8 -mode limited ./progmpi08 (A2) Compile and execution of MPI Fortran program use 128 processors 128 process parallel mpifrt -Lt progmpi.f -o progmpi128 -Kfast_GP2=3,V9,largepage=2 -Z mpilist qsub hpc% more # @$-q p128 -lP 128 -eo -o progmpi128.out # @$-lM 8.0gb -lT 600:00:00 setenv VPP_MBX_SIZE 1128000000 cd ./mearthd4/ mpiexec -n 128 -mode limited ./progmpi128 (A3) Compile and execution of MPI Fortran program use 128 processors 32 process parallel 4 thread parallel (sheared memory) mpifrt -Lt progmpi.f -o progmpi128th04 -Kfast_GP2=3,V9,largepage=2 -Kparallel -Z mpilist qsub # @$-q p128 -lp 4 -lP 32 -eo -o progmpi128th04.out # @$-lM 8.0gb -lT 600:00:00 setenv VPP_MBX_SIZE 1128000000 cd ./mearthd4/ mpiexec -n 32 -mode limited ./progmpi128th04 (1) Compile and execution of MPI Fortran program use 16 processors 16 process parallel mpifrt -Lt progmpi.f -o progmpi -Kfast_GP2=3,V9,largepage=2 -Z mpilist qsub hpc% more # @$-q p16 -lP 16 -eo -o pexecmpi16.out # @$-lM 10.0gb -lT 16:00:00 setenv VPP_MBX_SIZE 1256000000 cd /home/usr6/vpp/usr6/a41456a/mearthd3/ mpiexec -n 16 -mode limited ./progmpi (2) Compile and execution of MPI Fortran program with automatic parallel procedure use 128 processors 32 process parallel (distributed memory) 8 automatic parallel or thread parallel (sheared memory) mpifrt -Lt progmpi.f -o progmpi128s4 -Kfast_GP2=3,V9,largepage=2 -Kparallel -Z mpilist qsub hpc% more # @$-q p128 -lp 4 -lP 32 -eo -o pexecmpi128s4.out # @$-lM 10.0gb -lT 2000:00:00 setenv VPP_MBX_SIZE 1256000000 cd /home/usr6/vpp/usr6/a41456a/mearthd3/ mpiexec -n 32 -mode limited ./progmpi128s4 (3) Compile and execution of Fortran program (single) qsub -q p8 -eo -o comp.out qsub -q p8 -eo -o exec.out hpc% more cd /home/usr6/vpp/usr6/a41456a/mearthd3 frt -o prog prog.f hpc% more # @$ -lt 10:00 # @$-q x -eo cd /home/usr6/vpp/usr6/a41456a/mearthd3 timex prog -------------------------------------------------- (4) How to Use XPFortran XPFortran is succession from VPP Fortran. Compile xpfrt -o xprog xprog.f Execution xpfexec -vp NP -m MODE prog NP: number of processors MODE: full or limited prog name of execution file (pass + file name) Execution by full mode (xp_prog) qsub Set number of cpu in -lP is added by 1 cpu to the number of cpu to use. more # @$-q p8 -eo -o xpf_full.out # @$-lP 5 xpfexec -vp 4 ./xp_prog Execution by limited mode (xp_prog) qsub more # @$-q p8 -eo -o xpf_lim.out # @$-lP 4 xpfexec -vp 4 -mode limited ./xp_prog --------------------------------------------------