Computer Simulation Overview No.2

Interaction of the solar wind with the earth's magnetosphere has been studied by using a 3-dimensional global MHD model.

  1. Magnetic field for z480.e000a795.gif
  2. Magnetic field for z480.e180a795.gif
  3. Magnetic field for z4802.e000a795.gif
  4. Magnetic field for z4802.e180a795.gif
  5. Polar cap structure for zc36.000135.gif
  6. Polar cap structure for zc36.180315.gif
  7. Composite Ground-Based Auroral Images for gadcdemo2.gif
  8. DE1 Aurora Images for deimag1a.gif
  9. Viking Aurora Images for viimag1a.gif
  10. Yohkoh Hard and Soft X-Ray Images for jan132.gif
  11. Geotail magnetic field for gmeta1.xbm
  12. Geotail magnetic field for gmeta2.xbm
  13. TOMS ozone images for m7903.gif
  14. TOMS ozone images for m7909.gif
  15. TOMS ozone images for m9103.gif
  16. TOMS ozone images for m9109.gif

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