The latest Database
CAWSES-II Space Weather International Collaborative Research Database in Japan (2009-2013)
ICSU-SCOSTEP which promoted the STEP program (1990-1997), the S-RAMP program (STEP-Results, Applications and Modeling Phase, 1998-2002) and the first CAWSES program (Climate And Weather of the Sun-Earth System, 2004-2008) carries out the successive international collaborative research project on CAWSES-II (Climate And Weather of the Sun-Earth System-II: Towards Solar Maximum, 2009-2013) which examines space weather and space climate of sun-earth system in the period toward the solar maximum.
Past Databases
The information at the time of the publication remains. Please be careful.
CAWSES Space Weather International Collaborative Research Database in Japan (2004-2008)
ICSU-SCOSTEP which promoted the STEP program (1990-1997) and the S-RAMP program (STEP-Results, Applications and Modeling Phase, 1998-2002) carries out the first international collaborative research project on CAWSES (Climate And Weather of the Sun-Earth System, 2004-2008) which examines space weather and space climate of sun-earth system in the twenty-first century.
Space Weather International Collaborative Research Database in Japan (2003)
We have constructed the Space Weather International Collaborative Research Database in Japan in 2003 for smooth continuation to the CAWSES program which starts in 2004. In a portion of construction of the Space Weather Database we have made the following CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs, and distributed to the S-RAMP and CAWSES international collaborative research colleagues in 2004.
S-RAMP International Collaborative Research Database in Japan (1998-2002)
The S-RAMP Database in Japan has been constructed to provide the infrastructure to the S-RAMP program and to promote the international collaborative research and disclosure of Japanese databases collected during the STEP and S-RAMP intervals.