IRIS - Imaging Riometer at Ny Ålesund, Svalbard for Ionospheric Studies

Data Requests

    We are willing to supply plot and image data to other research institutions on a collaborative basis. We can reproduce plot data and image data with higher quality upon your requests, using original IRIS data and the monthly QDC data stored in the PC. Please, do not use quick-look absorption data for any publication or presentation without the permission by the principal investigator, M. Nishino. Conversions of time-scale and absorption intensity-scale are also available for plot and image data. The contact address of M. Nishino is:

            Dr. Masanori Nishino
            Division of Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Environment,
            Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory (STEL),
            Nagoya University,
            Honohara 3-13, Toyokawa, Aichi, 442-8507, Japan
            TEL: +81-533-89-5167
            FAX: +81-533-89-1539
            E-mail: nishino[AT]

  Please send the following information by E-mail to M. Nishino.
            Telephone and Fax numbers:
            E-mail address:
            Used data and plot type:

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