Sprite Image Data Tohoku University [Notice of Data Usage] * All of the sprite image data cataloged in this database are open to use for scientific studies freely. * When the sprite image data will be presented at any scientific meetings or publications, please acknowledge as "The image data of sprites are provided by Tohoku University". * For more detail information about the sprite image data, please contact following respondents. Prof. Hiroshi Fukunishi fuku@pat.geophys.tohoku.ac.jp Dr. Yukihiro Takahashi yukihiro@pat.geophys.tohoku.ac.jp tel) +81-22-217-6734 or 5775 fax) +81-22-217-5775 [Data Format] * Output signals of the image intensified CCD camera are recorded by a S-VHS recorder. All the sprite images are captured digitally by a video A/D board from S-VHS tapes. * The sprite image data are sampled every one field (1/60 sec). * The resolution of the time superimposed on the image data is better than 10 msec. * The gain level of the CCD camera was manually adjusted (did not use the auto gain control). * The data format of the sprite image is bitmap (bmp) or jpeg (jpg). * The structure of the folders and file names are as follows, ============================================================================================ YYYY -------- YYMMDD ---- YYMMDD -------- hhmmssss ---- hhmmssss -------- hhmmssss.bmp hhmmssss.jpg > YYYY : Year (ex. 2004) > YYMMDD : Year(YY) + Month(MM) + Day(DD) (ex. 040107) > hhmmssss : Hour(hh) + Minute(mm) + Sec., 100&10mili Sec.(ssss) (ex. 13074441) hhmmssss.bmp : Hour(hh) + Minute(mm) + Sec., 100&10mili Sec. (ssss) (ex. 13074441.bmp) hhmmssss.jpg : Hour(hh) + Minute(mm) + Sec., 100&10mili Sec. (ssss) (ex. 13074441.jpg) * All the date and time are indicated by UT. ============================================================================================ * An field image consists of h=780 x v=480 pixels with 1-Byte RGB resolution. [Data Catalog] Year YYMMDD hhmmssss Image Number 1998 981219 161245 6 162138 8 162603 5 173852 7 174311 8 1999 990127 142422 6 143318 4 145027 5 151342 6 151901 6 152610 5 152913 7 153021 5 154442 6 184834 3 190115 6 190913 7 191421 8 191820 9 192926 13 2000 -------- -------- 0 2001 010123 101312 10 011228 145807 7 011229 140122 8 140723 6 145404 6 150332 5 190630 10 191158 6 2002 020123 161809 7 162724 5 020208 123116 5 123357 4 123739 4 124629 4 125132 6 125243 7 125447 6 130430 7 130543 5 130725 9 133141 4 140110 6 141559 7 2003 030128 175233 6 184043 2 030205 133159 7 133924 8 141106 8 151806 6 160641 4 163756 4 164337 4 165042 4 031215 124638 4 125809 10 144850 9 145141 11 145333 11 145523 7 150722 9 150951 8 151549 6 152243 7 153123 10 154052 6 154208 15 160542 7 160823 8 162632 6 165404 15 170012 7 170115 4 170913 5 175211 11 031217 130524 3 130732 3 134051 5 134158 4 134237 5 134244 3 135305 3 135948 7 140748 4 2004 040107 123701 2 130435 3 130539 3 130744 3 131330 2 150314 3 150524 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Contacts: Prof. Hiroshi Fukunishi fuku@pat.geophys.tohoku.ac.jp Dr. Yukihiro Takahashi yukihiro@pat.geophys.tohoku.ac.jp tel) +81-22-217-6734 or 5775 fax) +81-22-217-5775 Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University Aramaki Aza-Aoba, Aoba, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-8578, Japan