Geomagnetic Data in Iceland Geomagnetic data obtained by a fluxgate magnetometer at three observatories in Iceland, Tjornes, Husafell, and Aedey, during the period from September 2001 to January 2004. These observatories are maintained by National Institute of Polar Research, Japan in collaboration with Science Institute, University of Iceland. [Geographic and Magnetic Coordinates] * Geomagnetic coordinates are calculated by the IGRF model at 00 UT on 23 November 2003 at altitude of 100 km above observatory. Magnetometer observatory in Iceland ================================================================================================== Station Name Geogra. Lat Geogra. Lon. Mag. Lat. Mag. Lat. MLT(hr) L-value Tjornes 66.19 N 342.07 E 66.74 N7 70.617 UT-0.07 6.41 Aedey 66.10 N 337.34 E 67.31 N 66.65 UT-0.33 6.72 Husafell 64.67 N 338.98 E 65.60 N 66.96 UT-0.31 5.86 Leirvogur* 64.10 N 338.30 E 65.11 N 66.03 UT-0.33 5.64 Hella** 64.10 N 339.44 E 64.60 N 66.77 UT-0.32 5.43 ================================================================================================== * Leirvogur observatory is operating by Science Institute, University of Iceland (data are not shown here) ** Hella is one of SAMNET observatory operating by the Lancaster University (data are not shown here) [Plotted data] H-component: - Northward component of the magnetic variation (all observatory) D-component: - Tjornes: Westward component of the magnetic variation - Aedey: Eastward component of the magnetic variation - Husafell: Eastward component (before 2 September 2002) and Westward component (after 3 September 2002) of the magnetic variation Z-component: - Downward component from the magnetic variation (all observatory) Contact: Dr. Natsuo Sato Professor National Institute of Polar Reserch 1-9-10, Kaga, Itabashi-ku Tokyo, 173-8515, Japan Tel: +81-3-3962-5874 Fax: +81-3-3962-5704 E-mail: