Important Notes

1. All the plotted data and images are just for browsing purpose and 
   are not fully calibrated.  Please do not use the data at any 
   presentations and publications without contacting the Principal 
   Investigators, K. Shiokawa or T. Ogawa (shiokawa [AT] 
   or ogawa [AT]

2. Digital data are available on request.  Please contact the Principal 
   Investigators to copy the data.  The Principal Investigators 
   may limit the use of the data in order to avoid possible confliction of 
   the scientific directions of the users.   

3. The all-sky image data at Rikubetsu (camera 3 after October, 1998) is 
   upside down (upward is toward the south) for October 20, 1998 - March 31,
   1999.  Please see figure captions.  

4. For the SATI data, the values of temperature may be corrected in the 
   future by using new calibration data sets.  Please also see the background 
   level in the plots.  High background means cloudy sky during which the 
   temperature and intensity data become meaningless.  

5. Please refer  Shiokawa et al. [1999] for details of the instrumentation.  

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