Station Locations, Observed Airglow Lines, and Time Resolutions


calculation: dipole geomagnetic coordinates (IGRF, epoch:2000 or 2005) 
      glat   glon    mlat   mlon  inclination  declination  collaborators
RSB   74.73 265.07   82.9   302.7      88.15     -32.45    SRI Int./U.Calgary 
ATH   54.7  246.7    61.7   306.2      76.57      17.35    U.Athabasca/U.Calgary
RIK   43.5  143.8    34.7   210.8      57.8       -9.1    
SGK   34.8  136.1    25.4   205.1      49.1       -7.1     RISH(Kyoto U.)
STA   31.02 130.68   21.2   200.5      44.8       -5.8     
DRW  -12.44 130.96  -22.12  204.00    -40.74       3.58    IPS Radio and Space Services
KTB  -0.20  100.32  -10.63  171.93    -20.10      -0.57    RISH(Kyoto U.)/LAPAN

------ Current Configuration (After October 22, 2005) -----------

Resolute Bay (RSB) : (74.7N, 265.1E) 
    All-Sky Imager #6 (Jan.9, 2005-)   (2x2 binning = 256x256pixels)
         OI (557.7nm, 30s), OI (630.0nm, 30s), 
               OH-bands(2s), Na (589.3nm, 30s)  : every 2min
         OI (777.4nm, 45s) : every 20 min

Athabasca (ATH) : (54.7N, 246.7E)
    All-Sky Imager #7 (Sept.3, 2005-)    (2x2 binning = 256x256pixels) 
         OI (557.7nm, 5s), OI (630.0nm, 30s), Hbeta (486.1nm, 40s),
                   Na (589.3nm, 15s)  : every 2min
         OH-bands (1s), OI (844.6nm, 25s) : every 10 min
    Tilting Photometer 3 (Sept.3, 2005-)
         Hbeta (486.1-484.8nm: 2-min), N2+(1NG) (427.8nm: 2-min)
         Meridian-scanning, five points in the sky (+-74.88, +-37.44, 0deg)

Rikubetsu (RIK) : (43.5N, 143.8E)
    All-Sky Imager #3 (Oct.1998-) 
         OI (557.7nm, 105s), OI (630.0nm, 165s), OH-bands(15s)  : every 5.5min
    Tilting Photometer #2 (Oct.1998-)   meridian scan 
         OH (843.0nm, 839.9nm), OI (630.0nm) : every 10 min
    Tilting Photometer #3 (Oct.1998-)   meridian scan 
         Hbeta (485.1nm), N2+(1NG) (427.8nm) : every 10 min
    Airglow Temperature Photometer #3 (Mar. 2004-)  zenith measurement 
         rotational temperatures of OH, O2,
         OI(557.7nm, 630.0nm, 777.4nm) and Na line intensities  : every 5.5 min

Shigaraki (SGK) : (34.8N, 136.1E)
    All-Sky Imager #1 (Oct.1998-) 
         OI (557.7nm), OI (630.0nm), OH-bands  : every 5.5min
         Na (589.3nm) : every 30-min
    Tilting Photometer #1 (Oct.1998-)  meridian scan  
        OH (846.5nm, 843.0nm: 10-min), OI (557.7nm: 1-min)
    Fabry-Perot Interferometer (Oct.2000-)  
        OI (557.7nm), OI (630.0nm) : every 15 min
       (wind measurements, scanning for four (NSEW) azimuthal directions)
    Spectral Airglow Temperature Imager (Dec.1997-)  azimuthal scan (12 sectors)
        OH, O2 rotational temperatures : every 4 min

Sata (STA) : (31.0N, 130.7E)
    All-Sky Imager #2 (Jul.2000-) 
         OI (557.7nm), OI (630.0nm), OH-bands  : every 5.5min
    Airglow Temperature Photometer #2 (Dec.2003-October 2005)  zenith measurement
    Airglow Temperature Photometer #1 (November 2005 -)  zenith measurement
         rotational temperatures of OH, O2,
         OI(557.7nm, 630.0nm, 777.4nm) and Na line intensities  : every 5.5 min

Darwin (DRW) : (12.4S, 131.0E)
    All-Sky Imager #4 (Oct.2001-) 
         OI (557.7nm), OI (630.0nm), OH-bands  : every 5.5min
         OI (777.4nm) : every 30-min

Kototabang (KTB) : (0.2S, 100.3E)
    All-Sky Imager #5 (Oct.2002-) 
         OI (557.7nm), OI (630.0nm), OH-bands  : every 4.5min
         OI (777.4nm) : every 30-min
    Airglow Temperature Photometer #1 (February 28, 2004 - October 21, 2005) 
    Airglow Temperature Photometer #2 (October 22, 2005-)  zenith measurement
         rotational temperatures of OH, O2,
         OI(557.7nm, 630.0nm, 777.4nm) and Na line intensities  : every 5.5 min


History of Installation 

------ before September 30, 1998 ------

Shigaraki (SGK) : (34.8N, 136.1E)

    Camera 1 
        Na (589.3nm: 2-min) 
    Camera 2 
        OI (630.0nm: 3-min), O2 Atmospheric (0,1) bands (2-min)
    Camera 3
        OI (557.7nm: 2-min), OH-bands (30s)
    Spectral Airglow Temperature Imager (SATI) 
        OH (2-min) and O2 (2-min) (intensity and rotational temperature)
    Tilting Photometer 1 
         OH (846.5nm, 843.0nm: 10-min), OI (557.7nm: 1-min)
    Tilting Photometer 2 
         OH (843.0nm, 839.9nm: 10-min), OI (630.0nm: 10-min)
    Tilting Photometer 3 
         Hbeta (485.1nm: 10-min), N2+(1NG) (427.8nm: 10-min)

----- from October 1, 1998 -----

Shigaraki (SGK) : (34.8N, 136.1E)

    Camera 1 
        OI (557.7nm: 2-min), OI (630.0nm: 3-min), 
        Na (589.3nm, 3-min, after September 1999, every 30-min)   
    Camera 2 
        O2 Atmospheric (0,1) bands (2-min), OH-bands (30s)
    Spectral Airglow Temperature Imager (SATI) 
        OH (2-min) and O2 (2-min) (intensity and rotational temperature)
    Tilting Photometer 1 
        OH (846.5nm, 843.0nm: 10-min), OI (557.7nm: 1-min)
    Fabry-Perot Interferometer (after June 1999) 
        OI (557.7nm, 20-min), OI (630.0nm, 20-min)
        (wind and temperature measurements)

Rikubetsu (RIK) : (43.5N, 143.8E)

    Camera 3 
         OI (557.7nm: 2-min), OI (630.0nm: 3-min), OH-bands (30s)
    Tilting Photometer 2 
         OH (843.0nm, 839.9nm: 10-min), OI (630.0nm: 10-min)
    Tilting Photometer 3 
         Hbeta (485.1nm: 10-min), N2+(1NG) (427.8nm: 10-min)

----- after July 10, 2000 -------

Shigaraki (SGK) : (34.8N, 136.1E)

    Camera 1
        OI (557.7nm: 2-min), OI (630.0nm: 3-min), OH-bands (30s)
        Na (589.3nm, 3-min, 1 image per every 30-min)
    Camera 4 (from December 14, 2000 until June 2001) 
        OI (630.0nm: 3-min), OI (777.4nm: 3-min), OH-bands (30s)
    Tilting Photometer 1
        OH (846.5nm, 843.0nm: 10-min), OI (557.7nm: 1-min)
    Fabry-Perot Interferometer (June 1999 - October 2000)
        OI (557.7nm, 20-min), OI (630.0nm, 20-min), OH(839.9nm, 20-min)
       (wind and temperature measurements, imaging for all azimuthal directions)
    Fabry-Perot Interferometer (October 2000 - September 2001)
        OI (557.7nm, 1-hour), OI (630.0nm, 1-hour)
       (wind and temperature measurements, scanning for four azimuthal directions)
    Fabry-Perot Interferometer (after October 2001)
        OI (557.7nm, 15-min), OI (630.0nm, 15-min)
       (wind and temperature measurements, scanning for four azimuthal directions)

Rikubetsu (RIK) : (43.5N, 143.8E)

    Camera 3
         OI (557.7nm: 2-min), OI (630.0nm: 3-min), OH-bands (30s)
    Tilting Photometer 2
         OH (843.0nm, 839.9nm: 10-min), OI (630.0nm: 10-min)
    Tilting Photometer 3
         Hbeta (485.1nm: 10-min), N2+(1NG) (427.8nm: 10-min)

Sata (STA) : (31.0N, 130.7E)  

    Camera 2
         OI (557.7nm: 2-min), OI (630.0nm: 3-min), OH-bands (30s)

------ from October 9, 2001 -----

    Camera 4 has been moved to Darwin (DRW, 12.44S, 130.96E).  
         OI (557.7nm: 2-min), OI (630.0nm: 3-min), OH-bands (30s)
         OI (777.4nm: 3-min) 

------ from October 26, 2002 -----

    Camera 5 at Koto Tabang (Indonesia) (KTB, 0.20S, 100.32E).
         OI (557.7nm: 2-min), OI (630.0nm: 2-min), OH-bands (30s)
         OI (777.4nm: 3-min)

------ from December 9, 2003  -----

    Airglow Temperature Photometer #2 at Sata (STA) 
         rotational temperatures of OH, O2,
         OI(557.7nm, 630.0nm, 777.4nm) and Na line intensities  : every 5.5 min

------ from February 28, 2004 ------

    Airglow Temperature Photometer #1 at Kototabang (KTB)
         rotational temperatures of OH, O2,
         OI(557.7nm, 630.0nm, 777.4nm) and Na line intensities  : every 5.5 min

------ from March 15, 2004 ------

    Airglow Temperature Photometer #3 at Rikubetsu (RIK)
         rotational temperatures of OH, O2,
         OI(557.7nm, 630.0nm, 777.4nm) and Na line intensities  : every 5.5 min

------ from January 9, 2005 ------

    All-Sky Imager #6 at Resolute Bay (RSB) 
         OI (557.7nm, 30s), OI (630.0nm, 30s), 
                   OH-bands(2s), Na (589.3nm, 30s)  : every 2min
         OI (777.4nm, 45s) : every 20 min
          (2x2 binning = 256x256pixels)

------ September 3, 2005 ------

    All-Sky Imager #7 at Athabasca (ATH)    
         OI (557.7nm, 5s), OI (630.0nm, 30s), Hbeta (486.1nm, 40s), 
                   Na (589.3nm, 15s)  : every 2min
         OH-bands (1s), OI (844.6nm, 25s) : every 10 min
          (2x2 binning = 256x256pixels)
    Tilting Photometer 3
         Hbeta (486.1-484.8nm: 2-min), N2+(1NG) (427.8nm: 2-min)
         Meridian-scanning, five points in the sky (+-74.88, +-37.44, 0deg)
    Induction Magnetometer 
         64Hz sampling, 3-components, turn over freq: 6Hz
         (H:positive=northward, D:positive=eastward, Z:positive=upward)

------ from October 22, 2005 ------

    Airglow Temperature Photometer #2 at Kototabang (KTB) (moved from Sata) 
         rotational temperatures of OH, O2,
         OI(557.7nm, 630.0nm, 777.4nm) and Na line intensities  : every 5.5 min

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