contact addresses: Principal Investigator: Prof. Kiyohumi Yumoto Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University 6-10-1, Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan tel: 092-642-2673 fax: 092-642-2685 e-mail: yumoto[AT] Database Construction: Associate Prof. Kazuo Shiokawa Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University 3-13 Honohara, Toyokawa, Aichi 442, JAPAN Tel: 81-533-89-5166, Fax:81-533-89-1539 E-mail: shiokawa[AT] 1. For data use a) For coauthorship and acknowledgements, please contact the Principal Investigator (PI), Prof. K. Yumoto, Kyushu University (yumoto[AT] when you use the data at some publications and/or presentations. b) Reference of the data are available at Yumoto, K., Y. Tanaka, T. Oguti, K. Shiokawa, Y. Yoshimura, A. Isono, B. J. Fraser, F. W. Menk, J. W. Lynn, M. Seto, and 210 (deg) MM magnetic meridian observation group, Globally coordinated magnetic observations along 210 (deg) magnetic meridian during STEP period: 1. Preliminary results of low-latitude Pc 3's, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 44, 261-276, 1992. Yumoto, K., and the 210 (deg) MM Magnetic Observation Group, The STEP 210 (deg) magnetic meridian network project, J. Geomag., Geoelectr., 48, 1297-1309, 1996. 2. Easy file converter "F2A.EXE" from binary to ASCII DESCRIPTION: F2A.EXE works at MS-DOS Window. It converts the binary files "F4yymmdd.stn" into the ascii files "A4yymmdd.stn". HOW TO USE: On the MS-DOS Window, type F2A arg1 [arg2] arg1=input file [drive][path]name | [drive]path | drive "name" can be wildcard. arg2=output path (drive) [drive][path] (if nothing, current path is used) EXAMPLE Q:\> F2A drw1990\F49001*.DRW C:\> Q:\> F2A kag1991\F4910819.KAG C:\> C:\data> Q:\F2A Q:\msr1992\F4921001.MSR 3. File formats File Name "Fnyymmdd.stn" (maximum 1day=1file) Fn=file type n=4: 1-4ch (sample time : 0.1Hz) yy=year, mm=month, dd=day, stn=station name File Structure |00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|0A|0B|0C|0D|0E|0F| ------------------------------------------------- Header: 0000: |YY|MO|DD|HH|MM|SS|SAMPL|CH| CAL |00|00|00|00|00| (256byte) 0001: |ST|AT|ON|00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00| |..|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|..| 000F: |00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00|00| Data: 0010: |Ch.01|Ch.02|Ch.03|Ch.04|Ch.05|Ch.06|Ch.07|Ch.08| 0011: |Ch.01|Ch.02|Ch.03|Ch.04|Ch.05|Ch.06|Ch.07|Ch.08| .... |.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....| ....: |Ch.01|Ch.02|Ch.03|Ch.04|Ch.05|Ch.06|Ch.07|Ch.08| YY|MO|DD = year, month, day (for first data of the file) HH|MM|SS = hour, minutes, second (for first data of the file) SAMPLE = sample time (10mS/LSB) CH = the number of channel ( 1|2|4|8 ) CAL = calibration parameter (x0.1nT/65536) Ch.nn = data (2byte) : (left)MSB <- -> LSB(right) ordinary file size = 69,376Bytes = 256Byte header + 2Byte * 4ch * 8640*10sec In case of the type-4 file, 2-byte data of ch.1 - ch. 4 are sited after 256-byte header. For example, the calibration parameters for KAG are 746.7 (nT/full). Thus, multiplying 0.0113937 (nT/LSB) (=746.7/65536) to the KAG data, we can get the value of magnetic field variation in unit of nT. The binary code of 2Byte data is signed integer, that is HEX code decimal data 0000 -> 0 -> 0 0001 -> 1 -> 1 ... ... -> ... 7FFF -> 32767 -> 32767 8000 -> 32768 -> -32768 8001 -> 32769 -> -32767 ... ... ... FFFE -> 65534 -> -2 FFFF -> 65535 -> -1 magnetic field variations (nT) = data * CAL * 0.1 / 65536 (for example, in case of KAG -> nT = data * 7467 * 0.1 / 65536) a) The each channel corresponds to each value as follows. ch.1:H ch.2:D ch.3:Z ch.4:time pulse b) Station Names, Geographic and Geomagnetic Coordinates, and L Values of Observation Sites. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geographic Geomagnetic+ Station Name* Coordinates Coordinates Abbrevi- ----------- ------------ L+ Associ. Date of ation Lat, Long, Lat, Long, Inst.\ Onset deg deg deg deg ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tixie TIK 71.59 128.78 65.67 196.88 5.89 IKFIA,IFZ 92/8- Zhigansk ZGN 66.75 123.26 61.01 193.82 4.25 IKFIA 95/ - Yakutsk YAK 62.02 129.72 56.08 200.51 3.21 IKFIA Irkutsk IRT 52.17 104.45 47.13 177.01 2.16 ISTP Popov Island PPI 42.98 131.73 36.62 203.63 1.55 POI 95/ - Beijing BJI 40.06 116.18 34.37 188.40 1.47 IGCAS Lunping LNP 25.00 121.17 13.80 189.50 1.06 NCU, LNP 94/1- Muntinlupa MUT 14.37 121.02 3.58 191.57 1.00 CGSD 93/7- Pontianak PTN -0.05 109.25 -11.37 180.49 1.04 LAPAN Watukosek WTK -7.56 112.63 -18.52 183.85 1.11 LAPAN Learmonth LMT -22.22 114.10 -34.15 185.02 1.46 IPS, UNC 91/8- Katanning KAT -33.68 117.62 -46.63 188.24 2.12 GSARI, UNC 95/8- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kotel'nyy KTN 75.94 137.71 69.94 201.02 8.50 IKFIA 94/10- Chokurdakh CHD 70.62 147.89 64.67 212.12 5.46 IKFIA,IFZ 92/8- Zyryanka ZYK 65.75 150.78 59.62 216.72 3.91 IKFIA 94/4- Magadan MGD 59.97 150.86 53.56 218.66 2.83 IKIR 92/8- St. Paratunka PTK 52.94 158.25 46.34 225.91 2.10 IKIR 92/8- Moshiri MSR 44.37 142.27 37.61 213.23 1.59 STEL 90/7- Onagawa ONW 38.43 141.47 31.65 212.51 1.38 THU 91/6- Kagoshima KAG 31.48 130.72 25.13 202.24 1.22 STEL 90/7- Yamakawa YMK 31.19 130.62 24.85 202.13 1.21 CRL Chichijima CBI 27.15 142.30 20.59 213.00 1.14 KMO 90/7- Guam GUA 13.58 144.87 4.57 214.76 1.01 USGS 91/6- Yap YAP 9.3 138.5 -0.3 209.0 1.00 UK 93/1- Koror KOR 7.33 134.50 -2.64 205.21 1.00 UAF 94/8- Biak BIK - 1.08 136.05 -12.18 207.30 1.05 LAPAN 92/5- Wewak WEW - 3.55 143.62 -14.14 215.27 1.06 PWH, UPNG 91/6- Darwin DAW -12.40 130.90 -23.13 202.68 1.18 TERC, UNC 91/8- Weipa WEP -12.68 141.88 -22.99 214.34 1.18 WNSS, UNC 90/7- Birdsville BSV -25.54 139.21 -36.58 212.96 1.55 POB 90/7- Dalby DAL -27.18 151.20 -37.09 226.80 1.57 DAC, UNC 91/8- Canberra CAN -35.30 149.00 -45.98 226.14 2.07 IPS 94/8- Adelaide ADL -34.67 138.65 -46.46 213.66 2.11 DSTO 90/7- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kotzebue KOT 66.88 197.40 64.52 249.72 5.40 UAF 93/11- Cape Shmidt CST 68.88 180.55 64.51 236.29 5.40 IKIR Ewa Beach EWA 21.32 202.00 22.67 269.36 1.17 PTWC/USGS 91/1- American Samoa ASA -14.28 170.70 -20.60 245.05 1.14 Macquarie Isl. MCQ -54.50 158.95 -64.50 247.84 5.40 AAD, UNC 92/11- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Includes established stations at which additional instruments with a high time resolution will be installed during the STEP period. + The IGRF-90 model was used to calculate corrected geomagnetic coordinates and L values for 100-km altitude at each station on January 1, 1993. \ During the STEP period (1991-1995) the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University (STEL), commenced multinationally coordinated magnetic observations along the 210 magnetic meridian, and after 1996 the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyushu University continued the 210 MM network observations in cooperation with and/or courtesy of the following institutes and organizations : University of Newcastle (UNC), Electronics Research Laboratory (DSTO), CSIRO Tropical Ecosystems Research Centre (TERC), Learmonth Solar Observatory and Canberra Observatory of IPS Radio and Space Services (IPS), Weipa North State School (WNSS), Birdsville Police Station (POB), Dalby Agriculture College (DAC), and Australian Antarctic Division (ADD) in Australia; National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), in Indonesia; Tohoku University (THU), Tohoku Institute of Technology (TIT), Kakioka Magnetic Observatory (KMO), Tokai University (TKU), University of Tokyo (GRL), and Kyushu University (UK) in Japan; Paradise Wewak Hotel (PWH) and University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) in Papua New Guinea; Coast & Geodetic Survey Department (CGSD) in the Philippines; Institute of Space Research and Radiowaves (IKIR), Institute of Cosmo- physical Research and Aeronomy (IKFIA), Institute of Physics of Earth (IFZ), and Pacific Oceanological Institute (POI), Academy of Science in Russia; Lunping Observatory (LNP), and National Central University (NCU) in Taiwan; and Guam Magnetic Observatory, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC), Koror Observatory of the U.S. National Weather Service and University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF) in the United States. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions or comments on the database, please feel free to contact with K. Shiokawa, STE lab., Nagoya Univ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is a Fortran program to decode the binary files f0yymmdd.stn into ascii. This program works on SUN workstation with UNIX OS. Binary handling may be different for other workstations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Make ASCII output of 210mm magnetic field data (10-sec data) c c Kazuo Shiokawa c January 22, 2001 c c----- real b(3, 0:86399), tp(0:86399) character*10 fname character*3 aobs c 10 write(6,*) 'please input yymmdd.stn ' write(6,*) 'for example 941201.lem ' read(5,600,end=10,err=10) fname 600 format(a10) write(6,*) & 'please input start hour and the length of file in hour' write(6,*) 'e.g., 12,6' read(5,*) ish, inth c open(unit=11, file='f4'//fname, & form='formatted',access='direct',recl=16) write(6,*) 'file reading start' c call r_binary(iyr, imon, idm, ihh,imm,iss,aobs, b, tp) c close(unit=11) write(6,*) 'file reading end' c open(unit=12,file='a4'//fname) c write(12,*) aobs,' ',iyr,imon,idm write(12,*) & ' t h(nT) d(nT) z(nT) time pulse ' do 80 k=0,86399 if(k/ write(12,610) & k,b(1,k),b(2,k),b(3,k),tp(k) 80 continue 610 format(i6,3f9.3,f8.0) c close(unit=12) stop end c---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine r_binary(iyr, mon, idm, ihh,imm,iss, aobs, bb, tp) c c Program for reading the binary data of 210MM chain sations c May 22, 1994 H. Osaki (STE Lab. Nagoya University) c Modified by K. Shiokawa on February 1, 1995 c Modified by K. Shiokawa for 10-sec data on January 22, 2001 c---------------------------------------------------------------------- integer*4 idata(4), ic(16),ical character*1 c(16) character*3 aobs real bb(3,0:86399),tp(0:86399) real*4 cal c---- do 50 i=0,86399 bb(1,i)=0.0e0 bb(2,i)=0.0e0 bb(3,i)=0.0e0 50 continue c----- header information read(11,600,rec=1) (c(k),k=1,16) 600 format(16a1) do 10 k=1,16 ic(k)=ichar(c(k)) cccccc----- for steews5 cccccc if(ic(k).lt.0) ic(k)=ic(k)+256 10 continue iyr=ic(1) mon=ic(2) idm=ic(3) ihh=ic(4) imm=ic(5) iss=ic(6) sa=ic(7)*256+ic(8) ich=ic(9) ical=ic(10)*256+ic(11) cal=ical/65535.e0/10.0e0 c----- read(11,600,rec=2) (c(k),k=1,16) aobs=c(1)//c(2)//c(3) c write(6,*) iyr,mon,idm,ihh,imm,iss,ical,cal,aobs c----- irec=1 it=ihh*3600+imm*60+iss 1 continue read(11,600,rec=irec+16,err=99) (c(k),k=1,16) do 20 k=1,16 ic(k)=ichar(c(k)) ccccccc---- for steews5 ccccccc if(ic(k).lt.0) ic(k)=ic(k)+256 20 continue c c----- 3 channel datas c idata(1)=ic(1)*256+ic(2) idata(2)=ic(3)*256+ic(4) idata(3)=ic(5)*256+ic(6) idata(4)=ic(7)*256+ic(8) if (idata(1).ge.32768) idata(1)=idata(1)-65536 if (idata(2).ge.32768) idata(2)=idata(2)-65536 if (idata(3).ge.32768) idata(3)=idata(3)-65536 if (idata(4).ge.32768) idata(4)=idata(4)-65536 c bb(1,it)=idata(1)*cal bb(2,it)=idata(2)*cal bb(3,it)=idata(3)*cal tp(it)=idata(4) c write(6,*) it,bb(1,it),bb(2,it),bb(3,it),tp(it) c it=it+1 c idata(1)=ic(9)*256+ic(10) idata(2)=ic(11)*256+ic(12) idata(3)=ic(13)*256+ic(14) idata(4)=ic(15)*256+ic(16) if (idata(1).ge.32768) idata(1)=idata(1)-65536 if (idata(2).ge.32768) idata(2)=idata(2)-65536 if (idata(3).ge.32768) idata(3)=idata(3)-65536 if (idata(4).ge.32768) idata(4)=idata(4)-65536 c bb(1,it)=idata(1)*cal bb(2,it)=idata(2)*cal bb(3,it)=idata(3)*cal tp(it)=idata(4) c write(6,*) it,bb(1,it),bb(2,it),bb(3,it),tp(it) c irec=irec+1 it=it+1 goto 1 c----- 99 continue return end