Computer Simulation of Magnetosphere: Programs and Examples

This CD-ROM contains the fundamental three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic
(MHD) simulation programs and graphics software to study interaction between
the solar wind and the earth's magnetosphere. They are composed from
(1) Fundamental 3D MHD codes and Graphics software for Simulation School,
(2) General 3D MHD codes and Graphics software for Vector and Parallel computers,
(3) New 3D MHD codes by using the domain decomposition method for the
scalar-parallel supercomputer.
The MHD programs and graphics software are written by Fortran, and
complete programs and their explanations are presented in this CD-ROM.
Interaction of the solar wind with the earth's magnetosphere has
been studied by using a 3-dimensional global MHD model.
What's computer simulation?
Magnetosphere (Global): Database Site
Japanese version is here.
3-Dimensional MHD Codes and Graphic Programs
(1) Fundamental 3D MHD codes and Graphics software for Simulation School
Program and Example |
Text of Simulation School |
- MHD Simulation of Earth'S Magnetosphere: Visualization and Parallelization
(2) General 3D MHD codes and Graphics software for Vector and Parallel computers using MPI
(3) New 3D MHD codes by using the domain decomposition method for the
scalar-parallel supercomputer
(2) General 3D MHD codes and Graphics software for Vector and Parallel computers using HPF
Three Dimensional Global Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Simulation
Demonstration of MHD simulation results and articles on MHD simulation
Support for the production of CAWSES SPACE-W Database was provided by Grants-in-Aid
from the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS), "CAWSES Space
Weather International Collaborative Research Database in Japan", and Grant-in-Aid
from Japan Society for the Promotion Science (JSPS), (A)(1) "Study of Solar
Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Dynamics Using Common Parallel Computation Codes
in MHD and Particle Simulation". Computing support was provided by the Information
Technology Center of Nagoya University.