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Datasets having this format are convenient to see what values are included in the database at some instances. Information which is necessary to estimate actual counts is seen in the header section of LONGFORMAT data. The CARDFORMAT data are those of 80-byte data length. The size of one-year dataset is fixed to 60264 bytes. Each month has data for 31 days, and days with no data are filled by 99999. The number of days in a yearly dataset is 31 x 12 = 372 days. An example of datasets in this format for one day (1 January 1991) is shown below.

KIEL N64PCSA91 1 11 5591 5616 5609 5606 5598 5610 5623 5624 5612 5649 5629 5657
KIEL N64PCSA91 1 12 5647 5645 5661 5650 5643 5634 5651 5648 5643 5626 5613 5620

Format of 80-byte CARDFORMAT Data of Cosmic-Ray Neutron

bytes format notes
1-6 A6 First six characters of station name
7-13 A7 Comments on data, e.g.:
N64 NM-64neutron monitor
P Pressure-corrected data
C Counts
S Scaled counts
A Absolute values
14-15 I2 Year-1900 before 1999, Year-2000 after 2000
16-17 I2 Month
18-19 I2 Day
20 I1 1: 0-11h UT 2: 12-23h UT
22-80 12I5 Hourly data (99999: no data)
