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Datasets of this format are used in the WDC for data management because it is convenient to see on a screen what values are included. Information which is necessary to estimate actual counts is seen in the header section of LONGFORMAT data. The CARDFORMAT data are those of 80-byte data length. The size of one-year dataset is fixed to 60264 bytes. Each month has data for 31 days, and days with no data are filled by 99999. The number of days in a yearly dataset is 31 x 12 = 372 days. An example of datasets in this format for one day (1 January 1991) is shown below.

KIEL N64PCSA91 1 11 5591 5616 5609 5606 5598 5610 5623 5624 5612 5649 5629 5657
KIEL N64PCSA91 1 12 5647 5645 5661 5650 5643 5634 5651 5648 5643 5626 5613 5620

Format of 80-byte CARDFORMAT Data of Cosmic-Ray Neutron

bytes format notes
1-6 A6 First six characters of station name
7-13 A7 Comments on data, e.g.:
N64 NM-64 neutron monitor
P Pressure-corrected data
C Counts
S Scaled counts
A Absolute values
14-15 I2 (Year-1900) before 1999, and (Year-2000) after 2000
16-17 I2 Month
18-19 I2 Day
20 I1 1:  0-11h UT
2: 12-23h UT
22-80 12I5 Hourly data (99999: no data)
