CAWSES (Climate And Weather of the Sun-Earth System) Space Weather Database in Japan Observation (CAWSESDB-J-OB0056) Version 1.0 March 2006 (CAWSES SPACE-W Database in Japan) Ground Geomagnetic Field Data Along the 210”EMagneti Meridian (10-second averages) 2003 |
OB0056 |
This CD-ROM contains binary files of the 10-second averaged magnetic field data obtained from ground-based stations along the 210”Emagnetic meridian. The data in this CD-ROM are most suitable for use on WINDOWS 95/98/2000/XP.
1. Digital Data in Binary Format
The data file is in a binary format (one file/day/station) with a name of f4yymmdd.stn where yymmdd represents the year, month, and day for the data and stn represents the three-digit abbreviation of the station name.
Please consult the readme10s.html file for the file format.
2. Easy File Converter "F2A.EXE" from Binary to ASCII
F2A.EXE works at MS-DOS Window. It converts the binary files "F4yymmdd.stn" into the ascii files
On the MS-DOS Window, type
F2A arg1 [arg2]
arg1=input file [drive][path]name | [drive]path | drive
"name" can be wildcard.
arg2=output path (drive) [drive][path]
(if nothing, current path is used)
Q:\> F2A drw1990\F49001*.DRW C:\>
Q:\> F2A kag1991\F4910819.KAG C:\>
C:\data> Q:\F2A Q:\msr1992\F4921001.MSR
3. Notes
* Please contact the principal investigator, Professor K. Yumoto, Kyushu University, before using the data at any publication and/or presentation. If the data are essential to your research, the PI will require coauthorship, acknowledgements, and related references. These collaborations are very important for the continuation of the 210 MM project.
Reference: Yumoto, K., and the 210 (deg) MM Magnetic Observation Group, The STEP 210 (deg) magnetic meridian network project, J.Geomag., Geoelectr., 48, 1297-1309, 1996.
* Please note that the data are not fully calibrated. For a few stations, the time tag data may be offset by multiple hours.
* One-second sampled data is also available on request from the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory,
Nagoya University (contact: K. Shiokawa).
4. The 210 MM Magnetic Observation Group
During the STEP period (1990-1995), the STEL, Nagoya University (Y. Tanaka, K. Yumoto, K. Shiokawa) conducted multinationally coordinated magnetic observations along the 190, 210, and 250 (deg) magnetic meridians (MMs) in cooperation with and/or courtesy of the following institutes and organizations (co- investigator and cooperator names are in parentheses): University of Newcastle (B.J. Fraser, F.W. Menk), Electronics Research Laboratory, DSTO, Salisbury (K.J.W. Lynn, D.M. Sutton, Trevor Harris), Learmonth Solar Observatory (J. A. Kennewell) and Canberra Observatory of IPS Radio and Space Services (D.G. Cole, P. Wilkinson, R. Marshall), Mt. Stromlo observatory (Vince O'Connor, Emanuel Vassiliadis), CSIRO Tropical Ecosystems Research Centre (L.K. Corbett, Tony Hertog), Weipa North State School (Michael and Chrisella Sbrizzi, Kath Newman, Pam Diggins), Albatross Hotel (Ron Doherty), Birdsville Police Station (W.J. Guan, Owen T. Harms), Dalby Agriculture College (G.K. Smith, Merv McGilchrist, L.R. Harris), Katanning Research Station, Great Southern Agriculture Research Institute (J. Montgomery, D. H. Ryall, Trevor Bell) and Australian Antarctic Division (R.J. Morris, R. Brown, P. Mantel, D, Lehmann, P. Jansen) in Australia; National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) (S.L. Manurung, Wilson Sinambela, Obay Sobari, Mamat Ruhimat, Sukmadradjat) in Indonesia; Tohoku University (T. Saito, T. Takahashi, T. Tamura, T. Sakanoi, H. Fukunishi), Tohoku Institute of Technology (M. Seto, Y. Kitamura), Kakioka Magnetic Observatory (S. Tsunomura), Tokai University (T. Sakurai), University of Tokyo (K. Hayashi), and Kyushu University (T.-I. Kitamura, O. Saka, H. Tachihara) in Japan; Paradise Wewak Hotel (S. Kawabata) and University of Papua New Guinea (D. Yeboah-Amankwah) in Papua New Guinea; Coast Geodetic Survey Department, National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (Commodore Renato B. Feir, E. A. Macaspac, A.A. Algaba) in Philippines; Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radiowave Propagation (IKIR) (E.F. Vershinin, A. Buzevich), Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomies (IKFIA) (G.F. Krymsky, S.I. Solovyev, N. Molochushkin), Institute of Physics of the Earth (IFZ) (V.A. Pilipenko, L. Baransky), and Pacific Oceanological Institute (POI) (V.A. Akulichev, V.M. Nikiforov) in Russia; Lunping Observatory, Telecommunication Training Institute (Y.-H. Huang, S.-W. Chen) and Institute of Space Science, National Central University (J.K. Chao, J.Y. Liu) in Taiwan; and U.S. Geological Survey (A.W. Green, D.C. Herzog), Guam Magnetic Observatory (P. Hattori), Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (G.D. Burton, F. Takenouchi, M. Blackford, W.J. Mass, R.K. Nygard, Chip McCreery), Koror Observatory of the U.S. National Weather Service (Hirao Kloulchad), and University of Alaska, Fairbanks (S.-I. Akasofu, J. V. Olson, D. Osborne) in the United States.
* After the Principal Investigator, K. Yumoto, moved from the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory (STEL) to Kyushu University on February 1, 1996, the 210 MM magnetic observations are being conducted by Kyushu University and the database and archives are being maintained by STEL, Nagoya University. The contact person at STEL is K. Shiokawa.
Our sincere thanks go to H. Oya, Tohoku University, and all the members of the 210 MM Magnetic Observation Project for their ceaseless support. The 210 MM Magnetic Observation Project was also supported by M. Nishino, T. Kato, M. Sato, Y. Kato, M. Sera, Y. Ikegami, K. Hidaka, T. Watanabe, T. Oguti, and S. Kokubun of STE Lab., Nagoya University. Financial support was given by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture of Japan in the form of Grants-in-Aid for Overseas Scientific Survey (02041039, 03041061, 04044077, 05041060, 06044094), General Scientific Research (02402015), Developmental Scientific Research (02504002), and the International STEP project. Support for the production of CAWSES Database was provided by Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
5. Contact Address
Principal Investigator:
Professor Kiyohumi Yumoto
Space Environment Research Center
Kyushu University 53
6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan
TEL/FAX: +81-92-642-4403
e-mail: yumoto[AT]
Data Archives:
Associate Professor Kazuo Shiokawa
Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University
3-13, Honohara, Toyokawa, Aichi 442-8507, Japan
TEL:+81-533-89-5166 FAX:+81-533-89-1539
E-mail: shiokawa[AT]