Database of the Optical Mesosphere Thermosphere Imagers

1. Name of Database: Database of the Optical Mesosphere Thermosphere Imagers

2. Institution: Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University

3. Contents of Database:

Database of two-dimensional airglow images, intensity, and Doppler wind and temperature 
obtained by all-sky airglow imagers, a Fabry-Perot interferometer, meridian-scanning photometers, 
and airglow temperature photometers at Rikubetsu, Shigaraki, Sata, Yonaguni (Japan), 
Darwin (Australia), Kototabang (Indonesia), Athabasca (Canada), and Resolute Bay (Canada).  

Stations of the Optical Mesosphere Thermosphere Imagers (OMTIs) 

4. Examples of Database:

Example of all-sky image data (January 29, 2001, OH)

Example of Fabry-Perot Interferometer data (December 17, 2001)

5. Contact:

 Kazuo Shiokawa, Yuichi Otsuka, and Tadahiko Ogawa
 Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory
 Nagoya University
 3-13, Honohara, Toyokawa, Aichi 442-8507, Japan
 tel: 81-533-89-5166   fax: 81-533-89-1539
 e-mail: shiokawa[AT]

6. Public Offering of Database:

 * For quick-look plots, see
 * For digital data, please contact K. Shiokawa.
 * For use of the data at some publications and/or presentations,
   please contact K. Shiokawa for authorship/acknowledgement.

CAWSES SPACE-W Databese List.