Polar Region Imaging Riometer Database

1. Name of Database:  Polar Region Imaging Riometer Database

2. Institution:  Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory
                 Nagoya University

3. Contents of Database:

This database provides ionospheric absorption data obtained by the imaging riometer (IRIS) 
observation at Ny Alesund, Svalbard since 1991.  By coordinated analysis of this database 
with the same IRIS data obtained at Greenland and Iceland, the study of dynamics of auroral 
particle precipitations in the Arctic region is performed, and also by combining the data 
obtained at Chinese Zhongshan Station, Japanese Syowa Station in Antarctica the study of 
inter-hemispherical conjugacy and non-conjugacy of auroral particle precipitations is performed. 
The database is also available for studying polar-cap absorption caused by precipitation of 
very high energetic protons.
Original IRIS data consist of two-dimensional cosmic noise intensities with 8x8 channels sampled 
every 4 seconds. 64-channels quiet-day curves (QDCs) are reduced from original one-month IRIS data, 
and thus real ionospheric absorption data are obtained by subtraction between original data and QDCs.
24-hour absorption data composed from 8-channels on the north-south and east-west beams centered 
at N4E7 beam are plotted as a quick look, and the absorption data in the period from September 
1991 to September 2003 are opened by a CD as a database.

4. Examples of Database:

5. Contact :

 Masanori Nishino
 TEL/FAX: +81 561 31 0239
 E-mail: stel_nishino[AT]jahoo.co.jp

6. Public Offering of Database:

 CD database ;
 SPACE-W Database in Japan
 Observation (SPACEWDB-J-OB0040)
   Data of the Imaging Riometer for Ionospheric Studies (IRIS)
   Version 1.0  March 2004
 Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory
       Nagoya University

CAWSES SPACE-W Databese List.