Magnetic Field Database from the STEP Polar Network

1. Name of Database:  Magnetic Field Database from the STEP Polar Network

2. Institution: Department of Earth and Planetary Science
               Graduate School of Science
               The University of Tokyo

3. Contents of Database:

This database provides or is expected to include information and data obtained 
at over forty locations from the magnetometer networks that we have conducted 
in the northern polar region since 1984.
The data before 1991 are those obtained in several limited periods that we had 
observation campaigns or those recorded at a few of sites which were operated 
in semi-routine base. The present network system which we call as "STEP Polar 
Network" started in 1991 and was yearly enhanced during the international 
coordinated program of Solar-Terrestrial Energy Program(STEP) that lasted until 1997.
We create and provide this database those data for public use in an order of 
priority composed of the following categories; (A)on type of data: (a1) Low time 
resolution (1 minute) data and (a2) high time resolution(1 second) data obtained 
by fluxgate magnetometgers; (a3) Induction magnetometer data which is sampled by 
10Hz; (P) on data period: (p1) the STEP period, (p2) the post STEP period, and (p3) 
the pre-STEP period.
Data presently accessible from our web page are mainly for combined categories of 
(a1)&(p1), (a1)&(p2), and (a2)&(p1) as are shown in the matrix below;
             (a1)  (a2)  (a3)
        (p1)  Y    Y   Y--
        (p2)  Y-   Y   Y--
        (p3)  Y-   Y-- Y---
        Y:fully accessible, Y-:most or major part is accessible,
        Y--:only samples, Y---:data exist but no accessible yet.
2004, All data category of matrix elements became for public access.

On-line data collection were started from some sites by using internet links.
  Gakona, July 1999− Search-coil magnetometer data, every 10 minutes
  LaRonge, October 2001−Fluxgate and Search-coil magnetometer data、once a cay
  Fort St John, October 2004−Fluxgate and Search-coil data, every 10 minutes
   Lucky Lake, October− Fluxgate and Search-coil data, every 10 minutes
   (Semi real-time plots are visible on the web page for data from  Gakona, Fort St John, and Lucky Lake)

More detailed information, characteristics of data, policy on data usage, 
practical ways to access each data, and etc. are available by selection of 
menu items in the left side(*) window of the web page, such as "S&Pick/1min" 
(for searching and picking data files of 1 minute time resolution).
  (*) This is the case if you use a window browser responsible to frame commands.

4. Examples of Database:

5. Contact:  Kanji Hayashi c/o  Department of Earth and Planetary Science  Graduate School of Science  The University of Tokyo  7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan  hayashi[AT]  Phone +81-3-5841-4585 Fax +81-3-5841-8321 6. Public Offering of Database:

CAWSES SPACE-W Databese List.