210 MM magnetic field data (H, D, Z-components)

*****                                                                     *****
***** README file for one-minute magnetic field database                  *****
*****                                of the 210 (deg) meridian chain      *****
*****                                                                     *****
*****      November 26, 1998, written by  K. Shiokawa and K. Yumoto       *****
*****                                           (STE Lab.,  Nagoya Univ.) *****
*****                                                                     *****
*****   contact address :                                                 *****
*****     Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University     *****
*****     3-13 Honohara, Toyokawa, Aichi 442-8507, JAPAN                  *****
*****        Tel: 81-533-89-5168,  Fax:81-533-89-1539                     *****
*****        E-mail: shiokawa[AT]stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp                       *****
*****                                                                     *****

     Thank you for your collaborations using the 210 (deg) MM 
(magnetic meridian) magnetic field data !!!   This is the README 
file for one-min value data file.  Please read this file carefully 
before using the data base. 

----- 1. Rules for Data Use --------------------------------------------
      Please contact the principal investigator, Professor K. Yumoto, Kyushu 
University, before using the data at any publication and/or presentation.  
If the data is essential to your research, the PI will require 
coauthorship, acknowledgements, and related references.  These collaborations 
are very important for the continuation of the 210 MM project.
   Reference: Yumoto, K., and the 210 (deg) MM Magnetic 
              Observation Group, The STEP 210 (deg) 
              magnetic meridian network project, J. 
              Geomag., Geoelectr., 48, 1297-1309, 1996.       

----- 2. File Format ----------------------------------------------------------

    Each one data file corresponds to the data from one station during 
one day.  The data are located under the directory of each year and each 
station.  For example, the data obtained at the Mosiri Observatory, are 
in the directory of /1991/msr.  File name is as follows. 

        File_Name: A5yymmdd.stn
               yy: year       mm: month
               dd: day       stn: station name

    For example, the data file obtained at Mosiri on December 8, 1991, is 
named as A5911208.msr.  

Data format inside files is basically the same as that of WDC-A tape 
exchange format, where there are no absolute values of magnetic field, 
that is, 

block_structure/1hour (400character)
1-6|7-12|13-14|15-16|17-18|19|20-21|22-24|25 |26-34 |35-40 |..|389-394|395-400|

|..E=X(H-component)..HR=0..|.. ..|..E=X(H)..HR=23..|  (400+1)x24=9624character
|..E=Y(D-component)..HR=0..|.. ..|..E=Y(D)..HR=23..|  (400+1)x24=9624character
|..E=Z(Z-component)..HR=0..|.. ..|..E=Z(Z)..HR=23..|  (400+1)x24=9624character
                                                         (+1 Byte is CR) 
total file size =401x24x3=28872 byte/1day  (1 character= 1 Byte).

   Data are in ASCII format. 
*NPD is the observatory's North Polar Distance (0 deg to 180 deg) 
 from the north geographic pole in thousandths of a degree and 
 is allotted 6 characters. Decimal point is implied between 
 positions 3 and 4.
*Long is the geographic longitude (0 deg to 360 deg) measured EAST 
 from Greenwich in thousandths of a degree and also has a 6 
 character field. Decimal point is implied between positions 9 
 and 10.
*YR, MO, DA, and HR are each 2-digit numbers giving the data 
 and GMT.
*E is the element symbol in 1 character; it may be X, Y, or Z.
 !!!!!!! Please note that X is H-component and Y is D-component
        in the 210 MM data. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                
*OBS is the 3 letter abbreviation for the observatory.
*ORG is origin of data.  In this data base, ORG is blank.
*BLANKS are 10 character spaces reserved for future additions.
 Now, it is filled by '0.1nT     ', which indicates unit of the data.
*DATA-1...-60 are one-minute values of the given element.  
 Unit is 0.1 nT.
*HR MEAN is the average of the preceeding 60 one-minute values in 
 unit of 0.1 nT.
*Each element value and the hourly mean are given in a six-digit field 
 including a minus sign for negative values or blank for positive values.

The abbreviations of stations are as follows.

STN(DATABASE) STN(PAPER*) Station name  NPD(deg) LONG(deg)
  TIX           -         TIXIE          18.42   129.00
  CKD          CHD        CHOKURDAKH     19.38   147.89
  MGD          MGD        MAGADAN        30.03   150.86
  PTK          PTK        ST. PARATUNKA  37.06   158.25
  MSR          MSR        MOSIRI         45.63   142.27
  ONW           -         ONAGAWA        51.57   141.47
  KAG	       KAG        KAGOSIMA       58.52   130.72
  CBI	       CBI        CHICHIJIMA     62.85   142.30
  EWA	       EWA        EWA BEACH      68.68   202.00
  GAM	       GUA        GUAM           76.42   144.87
  BIK           -         BIAK           91.08   136.05
  WWK	       WEW        WEWAK          93.55   143.62
  DRW	       DAW        DARWIN        102.40   130.90
  WEP	       WEP        WEIPA         102.68   141.88
  LEM	       LMT        LEARMONTH     112.22   114.10
  BRV	       BSV        BIRDSVILLE    115.83   139.33
  DLB	       DAL        DALBY         117.18   151.20
  ADL	       ADE        ADELAIDE      124.67   138.65
  MCQ           -         MACQUARIE IS. 144.50   158.95
     *PAPER : Yumoto et al.(J. Geomag. Geoelectr, p.261, 1992).

----- 3. Data Quality ---------------------------------------------------------

a) Directions of magnetic sensors are as follows.

  (1) for all data from MSR, ONW, KAG, EWA, GUA, TIK, CHD, MGD, PTK, 
      and ADL, and for data from WEP before 05UT on Jan. 31, 1991
      [H:+ = northward]  [D:+ = eastward]  [Z:+ = downward]
  (2) for all data from BSV, LMT, DAW, BIK, MCQ, and DAL, and for data 
      from WEP after 05UT on Jan. 31, 1991
      [H:+ = northward]  [D:+ = eastward]  [Z:+ = upward]
  (3) for data from CBI 
      [H:+ = northward]  [D:+ = westward]  [Z:+ = downward]
  (4) for data from WEW 
      [H:+ = northward]  [D:+ = westward]  [Z:+ = upward]

b) Some other remarks

  (1) The time of the data from BSV for Nov. 24, 1992 - Dec. 7, 1992 
      is 10 hour behind the correct time.
  (2) The Z-component of BSV data sometimes becomes zero due to a
      temporal disconnection of cable.
  (3) The Z-component of ADL data sometimes shows noisy fluctuations 
      due to an equipment problem. 
  (4) The Z-component of DAL data is meaningless after Jan. 1, 1993.
  (5) The D- and Z-components of MSR data have a DC-level, artificial 
      fluctuation on a few days/year.
  (6) ADL is the Adelaide station (ADE).
  (7) The time of the data from BSV for Nov. 2, 1991 - Nov. 16, 1991 
      is 1 hour faster than the correct time.
  (8) The H-component of EWA data sometimes shows noisy fluctuations 
      due to an equipment problem
  (9) The D-component of DAL data satulate for April 13, 1992 - July 
      10, 1992

If you have any questions or comments on the database, please feel free 
to contact with K. Shiokawa, STE lab., Nagoya Univ.
c       Sample FORTRAN program to read the 
c                     one-minute ascii data of 210 chain 
c     November 21, 1998   written by Kazuo Shiokawa
c                  Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory 
c                  Nagoya University 
c                  3-13, Honohara, Toyokawa, Aichi 442-8507, Japan
c                  E-mail: shiokawa[AT]stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp
      subroutine r_kyotob(iyr, mon, idm, aobs, b)
      integer     intmag(60)
      real*4      b(3, 1440)
      character*1 bcomp
      character*3 aobs
      do icomp = 1, 3
        do jhr = 1, 24 
          read(11, 600) iyr, mon, idm, bcomp, ihr, aobs, intmag 
  600     format(12x,    i2,  i2,  i2,  a1,    i2,  a3, 10x, 60i6)
          do min = 1, 60
            n = 60*float(jhr-1) + min 
            b(icomp, n) = float(intmag(min))*0.1
          end do
        end do
      end do

Geomagnetic Observation by Magnetometer Network.