STEP Polar Network, Magnetometer Sites February 1997 Stations Abr. Locations IGRF-9303 Magnetometers Cooperation Geographic Geomagnetic /(logger) or support *Eureka (EUR) 80.0 274.1 88.6 335 F+I/(130MB,PI)AES,USK,CRL /*Resolute Bay (RSB) 74.7 265.1 83.6 317 F+I/(130MB) AES ..*Upernavik (UPV) 72.8 303.9 79.7 42.6 F+I/( 42MB) PRV1 /*Cambridge Bay (CBB) 69.1 255.0 77.5 307 F+I/(130MB) AES *Ny Alesund (NAL) 78.9 11.9 76.0 112.1 F+I/(130MB) NPI,UOS ..*Godhaven (GHV) 68.6 306.4 75.5 39.9 F+I/(130MB) DMI /.*Baker Lake (BKL) 64.3 264.0 74.3 326.2 F+I/(130MB) AES /*Frobisher Bay (FRB) 63.7 291.5 73.2 14.6 F+I/(130MB) AES /*Normanwells (NRW) 64.9 234.5 69.7 284.0 I/(130MB) TSC *Point Barrow (PBR) 71.3 203.2 69.9 249.9 I/(130MB) ERL .*Kuujjuaq (KAQ) 58.3 291.8 68.1 13.3 F+I/(130MB) AES /*Rabbit Lake (RBL) 58.2 256.2 67.6 316.4 I/(130MB) USK .*Narsarsuaq (NAQ) 61.2 314.6 66.7 43.8 I/(130MB) DMI ..*Skibotn (SKB) 69.3 20.8 66.1 104.8 F+I/(130MB) UTR ..*Poker Flat (PFT) 65.1 212.5 65.3 262.9 I/(130MB) UAK .*Schefferville (SFV) 54.8 293.1 64.6 14.4 F+I/(130MB) UMG *Fort Nelson (FTN) 58.9 237.2 64.2 291.3 F+I/(130MB) AES,UBC *La Ronge (LRG) 55.2 254.6 64.4 315.2 F+I/(PI) NR,USK /*The Pas (TPS) 54.0 258.9 63.9 321.7 F+I/(130MB) AES,USK *Whitehorse (WHS) 60.7 224.9 63.6 277.2 F+I/(130MB) AES *Gakona (GKN) 62.4 214.8 63.1 266.8 I(PI) HAARP,UAK - /*Goose Bay (GSB) 53.3 299.6 62.2 23.4 F+I/(130MB) GIO /*Emma Lake (EML) 53.6 254.1 62.7 315.0 F+I/(130MB) USK,PRV2 *Fort St. John (FSJ) 56.2 239.1 62.3 295.0 F+I/(130MB) UBC,TSC *Swan River (SWR) 52.7 258.7 62.6 321.7 I/(130MB) CTY1 /*Sioux Lookout (SXL) 50.1 268.1 61.1 335.9 I/(130MB) CTY2 *Parksite (PKS) 52.2 252.8 61.1 313.7 F+I/(130MB) USK *Hornepayne (HRP) 49.2 275.3 60.6 346.9 I/(130MB) CTY3 *Lucky Lake (LCL) 51.0 252.9 60.0 314.2 F+I/(130MB) PRV3 *Mankota (MKT) 49.4 252.9 58.4 314.6 F+I/(130MB) PRV4,USK ==Menisino (MNS) 49.1 268.8 59.7 329.0 I/(130MB) PRV .*Ottawa (OTT) 45.4 284.3 56.6 000.1 I/(130MB) CRC /*Vancouver (VAN) 49.3 236.9 54.6 296.2 F/( 42MB) UBC *Victoria (Vic) 48.3 236.5 53.5 296.1 F/(PI) UVC *St. John's (STJ) 48.3 307.3 55.2 31.2 I/(130MB) UNF .*Boulder (BLD) 40.1 254.8 49.4 319.1 I/(130MB) USGS *Borok (BRK) 58.3 39.0 54.2 114.3 I(PM) IGP *Uzur (UZR) 53.3 108.8 48.2 181.7 I(PM) STPI *Mondy (MND) 51.8 101.8 46.8 174.6 I(PM) STPI *Ho Chi Minh City(HCM) 10.8 106.5 1.61 178.4 F(PM) NCST *Bac Lieu (BCL) 9.3 105.7 1.0 177.4 I(PM) NCST ==Nome (NOM) 64.3 194.6 61.5 249.5 ==Dawson City (DWS) 64.25 221.4 66.3 271.4 F:Fluxgate magnetometer, I:Induction magnetometer (130MB):130MB digital datalogger runs 1 (F & I) or 6 (F only) months/a cassette tape -F: 14 bit in word length; 125 or 250 pT of the minimum resolution at LSB,sampling:1Hz. -I: 12 bit (H,D components) and 8 bit of differential compression(Z), sampling:10Hz. The minimum detection level is about 3 pT at 1Hz. Symboles "*", ".*", "/.*", and "==" of leading simbles of each station name should be read as; in operation, in pause of operation, once operated but shutdown now, and just for reference, respectively, at the end of 2001. Cooperation or supporting organizations USK:Univ. of Saskatchewan, UBC:Univ. of British Columbia, UVC:Univ. of Victoria, UMG:Univ. of McGill UNF:Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland; UAK:Univ. of Alaska; UTR:Univ. of Tromso, UOS:Univ. of Oslo NPI:Norwegian Polar Institute, DMI:Danish Meteorological Institute, AES:Atmospheric Environment Service of Canada; TSC:Transport Canada, GIO:Goose Bay Ionospheric Observatory of Phillips Laboratories; i USGS:U.S. Geological Survey, NR:Tanker base, Natural Resources and Recreation of Saskatchewan; CTY:City or Town Hall(1:Swan River Museum,2:Sioux Lookout Hydro, 3:Honepayne Airport); PRV:Private(2:Rothburg Family Park,3:Tenho farm,4:V hills Vacation farm) ERL:Environmental Research Lab., NOAA IGP:Institute of Geophysics, Moscow STPI:Solar-Terrestrial Pysics Institute, Irkutsk HAARP:High Frequency Active Aurora Research Project, Alaska NCST:Natinal Center of Natural Science and Technology, Vietnam CRL:Communication Research Lab., Japan File name: stn200102.asc; Directory:pub/magnet