SunSpot Telescape

"Solar Eruptions on July 16, 1947"
   Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 13, 92, 1949

"A Short Note on an Expression of sunspot activity and the relation between sunspots and eruptions"
   Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 13, 95, 1949

K.Saito and Y.Tanaka
"Polar Faculae of the Sun"
   Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 9, 106, 1957
K.Saito and Y.Tanaka
"Addition to 'Polar Faculae of the Sun'"
   Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 9, 210, 1957
K.Saito and Y.Tanaka
"Polar Faculae of the Sun (3rd Paper)"
   Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 12, 556, 1960
"Polar Faculae of the Sun (The 4th Paper)"
   Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 16, 336, 1964
S.Nagasawa, T.Suzuki, and M.Miyashita
"On Sunspot Relative Numbers"
   Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 199, 2307, 1970
E.Hiei, H.Zirin, and Jingxiu Wang
"White Light Flare of 24-25 April 1984"
   Proc. NSO Workshop, The Lower Atmosphere of Solar Flares, ed. D.F.Neidig, p.129, 1986
E.Hiei, T.Natori, M.Miyazawa, K.Yamaguchi, and M.Irie
"A White Light Flare of 24-25 April 1984"
   Report USG (NOAA), 96, 4, 1987
M.A.Kambry, J.Nishikawa, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and E.Hiei
"Solar Meridional Motions Derived from Sunspot Observations"
   Solar Phys., 132, 41-48, 1991
"Solar Differential Rotation Derived from Sunspot Observations"
   Thesis, The University of Tokyo, 1992
T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, E.Hiei, M.Irie, K.Kumagai, M.Miyashita, Y.Nishino, K.Yamaguchi, G.Fang, M.A.Kambry, Z.W.Zhao, and K.Shinoda
"White-Light Flares of 1991 June in the NOAA Region 6659"
   Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 44, pp.L7-L13, 1992
T.Sakurai and E.Hiei
"New Observational Facts about Solar Flares from Ground-Based Observations"
   Adv. Space Res., 17(4/5), 91-100, 1996
"Long-Term Monitoring Studies of the Sun at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
Synoptic Solar Physics, eds. K.S.Balasubramaniam, J.W.Harvey, and D.M.Rabin,
   ASP Conf 140, pp.483-495, 1998
