1. Name of Database: a. Onagawa PC3 Index b. Onagawa Fluxgate magnetometer data c. Onagawa Search Coil magnetometer data 2. Institution: Planetary Plasma and Atmospheric Research Center, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University 3. Contents of Database: a. Using the induction magnetograms obtained at Onagawa(38゜26'N, 141゜29'E, 28.92゜ mlat., 208.64゜ mlon., L-value=1.31)the amplitude of Pc 3 magnetic pulsations is determined. The sum of these amplitudes over the dayside local time from 04 to 19 hours on each UT day is denoted as the daily PC3 index. This database covers the interval from 1970 to the present. b. Geomagnetic data obtained by a fluxgate magnetometer at Onagawa. Three component geomagnetic variations with a sampling rate of 1 sec using CD-ROM, and real-time data plot and download using Web are now available. CD-ROM digital data covers the interval from 1991 to the present. Web data are available since 2000. c. Geomagnetic variation data obtained by a search coil magnetometer at Onagawa. Three component geomagnetic variations with a sampling rate of 1 sec are available. CD-ROM digital data covers the interval from 1991 to the present. 4. Examples of Database:5. Contact: Planetary Plasma and Atmospheric Research Center, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, Japan Takeshi Sakanoi tel: 81-22-217-6609 fax: 81-22-217-6406 e-mail: tsakanoi[AT]pat.geophys.tohoku.ac.jp 6. Public Offering of Database: * General information of the Onagawa geomagnetic observatory http://adelie.geophys.tohoku.ac.jp/~onagawa/ * For 1-sec digital data, please contact T. Sakanoi. * For use of the data at publications and/or presentation, please contact T.Sakanoi for authorship/acknowledgement.