1. Name of Database: DARTS ( Data ARchive and Transmission System ) 2. Institution: Institute of Space and Astronautical Science 3. Contents of Database: DARTS (Data ARchive and Transmission System) is a scientific database constructed mainly by the ISAS/PLAIN Center to provide access for general researchers to the world's top level observation data in both terms of quality and quantity obtained by the scientific observation satellites of ISAS. At present, the data obtained from Akebono, Geotail (magnetospheric observation satellites), Yohkoh (solar X-ray observatory), ASCA(astronomical X-ray observatory), etc. are distributed from DARTS. Not only archiving ISAS satellite data, we are also mirroring major international space science data sites, such as CDAWeb. DARTS features: ・Observation data of the ISAS scientific satellites open to the general public ・Search/distribution of data via WWW ・Data analysis on the network ・Issue of analysis software 4. Examples of Database: See the attached PDF file. 5. Contact: Dr. I. Shinohara Center for PLAnning and INformation systems Institute of Space and Astronautical Science 3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229-8510, JAPAN FAX: +81-42-759-8456 iku[AT]stp.isas.ac.jp Public Offering of Database: http://www.darts.isas.ac.jp