1. Name of Database: S-RAMP NAOJ Solar Optical Data On-Line 2. Institution: Solar Activity World Data Center, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan 3. Contents of Database: The on-line database contains the following items obtained at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan during the STEP/S-RAMP period, by means of optical observations. Old data obtained at the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, University of Tokyo, are also included. Image data are available in gif or jpeg format, and most of them are also provided as FITS-format digital data. (1) Image Data part of Mitaka H-alpha full-disk images (gif, FITS; 1991-present) part of Mitaka Flare Telescope vector magnetograms (gif, FITS; 1992-present) part of Mitaka STEP full-disk magnetograms/Dopplergrams (gif; 1993-present) part of Mitaka high resolution white light images (jpeg; 1998-present) all of Norikura He 10830 Angstrom fill-disk heliograms (gif, FITS; 1991-1998) part of Norikura coronal green line images (jpeg; 1998-present) all of Okayama vector magnetograms (gif, FITS; 1982-1995) (2) Numerical Tables Mitaka sunspot positions (1943-present) Mitaka sunspot numbers (1929-present) Mitaka polar facular counts (1951-1998) Mitaka H-alpha flare list (1992-present) Norikura green line intensities (1951-1997) 4. Examples of Database:5. Contact: Takashi Sakurai Solar Physics Division National Astronomical Observatory Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588 Japan FAX +81-422-34-3700 E-mail: sakurai[AT]solar.mtk.nao.ac.jp 6. Public Offering of Database: URL http://solarwww.mtk.nao.ac.jp/sramp.html (STEP/S-RAMP period) http://solarwww.mtk.nao.ac.jp/database.html (data before STEP period) Data Policy: No restrictions apply for browsing the data. When you intend to publish an article based on these data, you are requested to contact us in advance. 7. Data in Preparation and Future Prospects: White-light full disk images after 1998 are only available as jpeg images currently. The digital FITS-format file in the format of 2048X2048 pixels will become available if we can expand the disk space. We started scanning the sunspot sketches which had been obtained until 1997. The results will be made available on-line. Coronal green-line intensities observed at Norikura until 1996 are on-line. In 1997 the observing system was upgraded, and the data from the new system are being compiled for publication. In the future, we will digitize H-alpha full disk images recorded on 35mm film, and white-light images recorded on 4X6 inch sheet film.