1. Name of Database: Airglow image database 2. Institution: Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University 3. Contents of Database: The Tohoku Univ. group develops new-model two-dimensional airglow imager and Fabry-Perot Doppler Imaging System in Solar-Terrestrial Energy Program (STEP) which began at 1990, and it has acquired all airglow image data using these. All airglow image data offer effective information, when the two-dimensional behavior of the neutral atmosphere in the mesosphere and thermosphere where atmospheric observation is very difficult is known. In this database, it is made that it stores airglow data that the data acquired in Tohoku Univ. Zao observatory (38°06'N、140°32'E) has been accumulated and until now into database and widely opens it to public. 4. Examples of Database:Figure All-sky Imager OH (exp.40s) Zao 5. Contact: Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University Aramaki Aza-Aoba, Aoba, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-8578, Japan Hiroshi Fukunishi TEL:022-217-6734 FAX:022-217-5775 EMAIL: fuku[AT]pat.geophys.tohoku.ac.jp 6. Public Offering of Database: