1. Name of Database: Particle Simulations of Plasma Wave Instabilities¶: Electron beam instability as generation mechanism of electrostatic solitary waves in the magnetotail 2. Institution:¡¡Radio Science Center for Space and Atmosphere, Kyoto University 3. Contents of Database: ¡¡ The database contains six examples of simulation runs of electron beam instabilities as typically found in space plasmas. These instabilities play important roles in the energy transfer and dissipation in space plasmas. Nonlinear evolutions of these instabilities are reproduced by one-dimensional particle simulation with periodic boundaries. As a result of the nonlinear evolutions, electrostatic solitary waves (ESW) are generated. ESW are very stable electrostatic potentials, traveling over a long distance along the ambient magnetic field. These ESW are frequently observed in the plasma sheet boundary layer as reported by the GEOTAIL spacecraft. Since ESW appear as broadband noise in frequency spectra, they were also observed as broadband electrostatic noise (BEN) in the previous spacecraft observations. Recent spacecraft observations in other regions of the magnetosphere show that there exist ESW associated with fluxes of high energy particles, which verifies that the nonlinear processes as demonstrated by the present simulations are taking place ubiquitously in space plasmas. All computations were performed on the KDK computer system at Radio Science Center for Space and Atmosphere, Kyoto University. 4. Examples of Database: An example of frames showing the simulation results is given below. The top panel is a contour plot of the velocity distribution function f(X, Vx) in the velocity of phase space X-Vx,. The middle and lower panels are spatial profiles of the electric field Ex(x) and electrostatic potential ¦µ.Detailed description of the simulation runs are found in the following reference. Y. Omura, H. Matsumoto, T. Miyake and H. Kojima, Electron Beam Instabilities as Generation Mechanism of Electrostatic Solitary Waves in the Magnetotail, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 101, pages 2,685-2,697, 1996. The simulation code used in producing the present database. is a one-dimensional elelctrostatic coode. Detailed description of the code is found in the following reference. Y. Omura and H. Matsumoto, KEMPO1: Technical Guide to One-Dimensional Electromagnetic Particle Code, Computer Space Plasma Physics: Simulation Techniques and Softwares, edited by H. Matsumoto and Y. Omura, pages 21-65, Terra Scientific, Tokyo, 1993. http://www.terrapub.co.jp/e-library/cspp/index.html 5. Contact: ¡¡Yoshiharu Omura ¡¡RASC, Kyoto University, ¡¡Gokasho, Uji, 611-0011, Japan ¡¡Phone: +81-774-38-3811 ¡¡E-mail: omura[AT]kurasc.kyoto-u.ac.jp 6. Public Offering of Database: ¡¡http://center.stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp/web1/sramp/cdrom/sm0005/index.html Also see: Home Page of Geotail Plasma Wave Instrument ¡¡http://www.rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp/space/gtlpwi/