We have introduced a new format (SHORT FORMAT) to improve inconveniences in handling the 4096-bite LONG FORMAT. The data length is shorten to include 12 one-hour five-digit data in each one line, namely two lines for 24-hour data (line 1 is for the data from the start of 0 UTC to the end of 11 UTC, and line 2 is for those from the start of 12 UTC to the end of 23 UTC). The time of "no data" is shown by 99999. We add also 22-line header section, which includes information, on the top of each monthly dataset. The information included in the header section is almost identical to that of the header section of LONGFORMAT data. The number of days in a month is fixed to be 31 days, and the data for extra days (e.g. 31 April) are filled by 99999. A monthly dataset consists of 84 lines, and 1008 lines for one year, including the header sections. The number of days in a yearly dataset is fixed to 31 x 12 = 372 days.
Law | Format | Description |
1 | A92 | Name of the Database |
2 | A92 | Collections (name of the database holder) |
3 | A92 | Data Access (URL) |
4 | A92 | Project name (currently ICSU WDC) |
5 | A92 | Citation (information for citation of the database) |
6 | A12,1X,A5 | Station ID |
7 | A92 | Detailed information on the station |
8 | A92 | Type of neutron monitor and parameters for pressure correction |
9 | A17,F7.2,A20,F7.2,A16,F7.2 | Geographical information (Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude) |
10 | A23,F7.2 | Cut-off rigidity (GV) |
11 | A6,I4,2X,A6,I4 | Year and Month |
12 | A21,F7.1,A21,F7.1 | Scaling Factor (SF) and Constant (CONST) Real Counts = (DATA + CONST)*SF |
13 | A27 | Temporal Resolution (usually 1 hour) |
14 | A16,F7.1 | UTC Start Hour (usually 0.0) |
15 | A80 | Information on data |
16 | A56 | Information on data |
17 | A17,F7.1 | Monthly Average |
18 | A22,I4,1X,I2,1X,I2 | Updated (year, month, and day) |
19 | A92 | ***************************************************** |
20 | A92 | ID YYYY, MM DD 1 |
21 | A92 | ID YYYY MM DD 2 |
22 | A92 | ***************************************************** |
An example of dataset is shown below.
Cosmic-Ray Neutron Monitor Data (Hourly, Pressure-Corrected and Scale-Adjusted Counts) Collections: WDC for Cosmic Rays, Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya Univ. Data Access: http://center.stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp/WDCCR/index.html Project: ICSU WDC Citation: WDC for Cosmic Rays, Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University Station ID: KIEL Station: KIEL, GERMANY, INST. FUER REINE UND ANGEWANDTE KERNPHYSIK, UNIV. KIEL, GERMANY Instrument: 18-NM-64 Corrected to 1006.6mb Standard Pressure,Coef=-0.721%/mb EFFICIENCY=100. Latitude (deg.): 54.30 Longitude (deg.): 10.10 Altitude (m): 54.00 Cut-Off Rigidity (GV): 2.36 Year: 2010 Month: 1 Scaling Factor (SF): 100.0 Constant (CONST): 0.0 Real Counts = (DATA + CONST)*SF Temporal Resolution: 1 hour UTC Start Hour: 0.0 DATA FILE IS PREPARED BY IZMIRAN (ftp://cr0.izmiran.rssi.ru/Cosray!/FTP_NM/C/) Monthly Average: 10960.6 Updated (YYYY MM DD): 2011 03 01 ******************************************************************************************* ID YYYY MM DD 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ID YYYY MM DD 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ******************************************************************************************* KIEL 2010 01 01 1 10901 10963 99999 10819 11028 10990 10976 11020 11055 11038 11025 11035 KIEL 2010 01 01 2 10946 11003 10913 10960 10843 11016 10901 10939 10915 99999 10778 10901 KIEL 2010 01 02 1 10856 10841 10836 10851 99999 99999 10849 99999 10924 11149 10841 10935 KIEL 2010 01 02 2 10998 10876 10776 10773 10808 10864 10863 10768 10726 10751 99999 10796 KIEL 2010 01 03 1 10781 10750 99999 10855 10804 99999 10876 10876 10881 10936 10825 10960 KIEL 2010 01 03 2 10954 10983 99999 10905 10893 10881 10903 99999 10791 10821 10906 10810 KIEL 2010 01 04 1 10930 10830 10885 10818 10870 99999 10931 10879 10846 10796 99999 99999 KIEL 2010 01 04 2 11066 10901 10863 11083 10855 10853 10853 10841 10891 10901 10915 10826