How to Use HPF/JA Fortran Programs in Fujitsu PRIMEPOWER HPC2500 and VPP5000

HPF (High Performance Fortran)

Examples of several simulation codes written by HPF (High Performance Fortran) are presented and how to translate from Fujitsu VPP Fortran to HPF (or HPF/JA: An extended version by Japanese HPF Association) is demonstrated.
  1. Examples of HPF programs
  2. Abstract submitted to the 4th Annual HPF User Group meeting
  3. From VPP Fortran to HPF (English)
  4. From VPP Fortran to HPF (Japanese)
  5. Three Dimensional Global MHD Simulation Code for the Earth's Magnetosphere Using HPF/JA
  6. Virtue of HPF in the MHD Code of Space Environment Simulator (Oral Presentation, Japanese) (PDF)

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