Camera5 , OH
Date : 20050127 Click figure to enlarge
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Camera1 , 557.7 nm
Camera1 , 630.0 nm
Camera1 , Na
Camera1 , OH
Camera2 , 557.7 nm
Camera2 , 630.0 nm
Camera2 , OH
Camera3 , 557.7 nm
Camera3 , 630.0 nm
Camera3 , OH
Camera4 , 557.7 nm
Camera4 , 630.0 nm
Camera4 , OH
Camera4 , 777.4 nm
Camera5 , 557.7 nm
Camera5 , 630.0 nm
Camera5 , 777.4 nm
Fabry-Perot 557.7nm
Fabry-Perot 630.0nm
Airglow Temperature Photometer 1, Intensity
Airglow Temperature Photometer 1, Temperature
Airglow Temperature Photometer 2, Intensity
Airglow Temperature Photometer 2, Temperature
Airglow Temperature Photometer 3, Intensity
Airglow Temperature Photometer 3, Temperature